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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It's only a demo. Just wait for a Fulllition Man. Waiter! I ordered borshch, not shchi.
  2. Sell it to a pandemonium. Teach the cat always land on paws. Why 92 sometimes contains 112?
  3. Tell the Ancient Romans about fractions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals#Fractions
  4. They hired a new feng-shui consultant. What if the fishes think that the trenches are (overturned) water mountains, and the divers climb into it?
  5. Just take off that monocle from the eye when you order sauerkraft in McDonald's.
  6. Eurasia. Do you mean that peninsula at the very North-West of it?
  7. What the Venus mining is exactly not, is economically sustainable. Because it would be very hard to deliver something to orbit, so it would be useful only for an on-surface city, which in turn lacks a visible purpose.
  8. That's what every accountant is trying to prove to a tax inspector. A total sum is not necessary equal to 100%.
  9. Cheap (several tens times cheaper than a stationary one) and easy to mount/unmount. Protects from rain/snow and casual hooligans/thiefs (why bother with, when there are uncovered cars around.) No place in a multistorey city block for a full-sized garage.
  10. Yes, and as well you can get poseidonium. Does a positron-based electricty produce dark lightnings?
  11. If cellphones were a big thing, no Starlink would be needed in thousands.
  12. P.S. A typical Orion spends 2..4 charges per second. Yield = 0.1..5 kt. Let it be 2 x 1 kt/s. Power = 2 * 1 * 4.2*1012 ~= 8.4*1012 J/s ~ 10 TW. Exhaust speed ~100 km/s, so force ~10*1012 / 100 000 = 108 N. Acceleration ~ 1 g = 10 m/s2. So, total mass ~= 108 / 10 ~107 kg ~ 10 000 t. Due to energy waste, several times less. And yes, its mass is estimated as hundreds to thousands tonnes. *** Let's take a nozzle with fusion pellets burning inside. It doesn't matter, how small are the pellets, only the total power is important. Same ship, same power, 10 TW. Major or at least significant part of these 10 TW will be released as radiation, heating the nozzle from inside. Let's presume the nozzle may be 1 000 K to stay intact and solid. L = 4 pi Rnozzle2 * 5.67*10-8 * Tnozzle4 Rnozzle = sqrt(L / (4 pi * 5.67*10-8 * Tnozzle4)) = sqrt(1013 / (4 pi * 5.67*10-8 * 1 0004)) ~= 3 800 m. So, an pellet/nozzle alternative must have a 8 km wide nozzle. It's hard in space and absolutely impossible in air. Let's take a 100 wide nozzle instead. To keep it 1 000 K cold, the total power should be reduced (8 000 / 100)2 = 6 400 ~104 times. So, the T/W of such engine would be just 10-4. It makes it impossible to lift it from ground on its own, and the burn time to Mars will grow from 10 min (for Orion) to 100 000 min ~= 2 months. This also makes the crrew protection much heavier, Because the Orionish 20 minutes from ground launch to transfer orbit burn end the crew can be just tamped with guards' rifle buttstocks into a tiny cramped sardine can with thick walls and a narrow but thick shield below. While two months of acceleration means that you have to shield all the habitat. So, to the date Orion actually has no viable alternatives.
  13. (Recalls the "Butterfly Effect") A butterfly?.. Did one say "BUTTERFLY"?..
  14. 1/3 = 0.(3); Asymptotically. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repeating_decimal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcendental_number
  15. The current events kinda take place on a territory full of cellphones, and this doesn't look like a major obstacle. Both parties try to limit the cellphone reporting on their side, preferably to none. Both sides use cellphones in absence of better tools, and at least one of them uses fake cellphone towers to locate the opponent abonents. Smartphones equipped with video are prohibited at one side, and would be if could be at the other side.
  16. A compact garage "Rakushka" / "Small Seashell", an iconic thing of post-Soviet 1990s, scourge of urban landscape in that time. Was very popular due to low price and the leak in laws which defined it not as a garage (i.e. a building), but as a metallic tent (i.e. portable equipment). Was put willfully at any empty place of the yard, permanently occupying a whole parking place (even when the car was not there).
  17. At least, the neighbors' flat wasn't flooded.
  18. The heating season on ISS started from patching the radiator leak.
  19. You need uranium tortillas and lithium paste. Then you cook a deuterithium sauce, put it in between and eat. Is plutonium a music term about tones?
  20. https://www.energy.gov/articles/secretary-granholm-statement-doe-order-vacating-1954-atomic-energy-commission-decision J. R. Oppenheimer is allowed to have an access to the Manhattan Project files again.
  21. Yes, if U then I, E, A, O, and sometimes Y. Are tomato chips better than cucumber steaks?
  22. Every 7 hours the radiation level decreases 10 times. This inspires.
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