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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Floor 3168: The castle of Green Knight (No,no. The real Green Knight, not that thing from the movie).
  2. Spelling Julie as July is cheating, too.
  3. Depends on what they are showing. Why do they call the repropellanting "refueling"? Don't they also need "reoxidizering"?
  4. A Moon goose is indeed cheating. There is no air to fly.
  5. This is what happens when you shut down your Alcubierre hyperdrive, and the high-energy particles, which are accumulated in front of it, release, collide with a stone asteroid, and cause a mini-supernova, spreading around pieces of heavy metal. Including the platinoids.
  6. They should name the maiden flight vehicle Iphigenia and sacrifice her.
  7. Because serious cartoons were always been made by French, the 3d animation was poor, and there was no Netflix to run the "Love, Death, and Robots".
  8. I just hope they didn't took seriously the suggestion to find the hydrogen leak with cigarette smoke. On the other hand, it would mean that they read KSP forums. On another other hand, they still don't have the "No smoking" caption on both fluid tanks. So, who knows.
  9. And was made of iridium. That's what happens when a long time ago, in the galaxy far, far away, you intercept an Imperial transport carrying platinoid reserves of the Galactic Empire, and a million years later its remains hit a random planet on relativistic speed.
  10. So, the humans have just killed another innocent robot just to have fun by hitting a random stone far away. And accidentally destroyed the Dimorphos lunar base which was being built by the mini-civilisation of Didymos for centuries. A small consolation for them will be the bright ring of ejecta shining in sunlight (and also blocking their equatorial orbits for million years). Of course when they will be again able to watch the sky after getting from their underground vaults when the ejecta stop falling everywhere around. Nice.
  11. They are orbiting around the Sun. Both have a hydrostatic equilibrium shape. And now they have cleaned their orbit from random flying scrap. Does it mean they are officially a double planet?
  12. "Dispel spelling errors!" *** Jaz'z Ban'd.
  13. In the ancient and medieval legends, myths, and chronicles, when a person was changing his (every time the only) name, he was kinda reborn as another person, cancelling his previous life and beginning a new one. It stays incomprehensible for me, how several names at once can not result into split personality. (Not nicknames, but personal names).
  14. They always did that together. P.S. If a child has more than two names, do they list all of them every time in such official speech?
  15. What can be better for environment than a flow of hundreds (thousands?) tons of ionized hydrogen and oxygen appearing from the multikilokelvin hot water! And even hot nitrogen from air would result into a cloud of toxic nitrogen oxides. What wasn't oxidized will be reduced.
  16. Replacing the weevils with weasels would be a cheating, too.
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