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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Франций?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp it's a FrOH.
  2. The KSP-2 threads ensure that the longer - the better.
  3. When you have a rocket, and your mother-in-law hates its tile colors...
  4. You quickly understand that it's a trap to catch you while reading, rush up to the Floor 3144, push away several persons standing around the stairs, and find yourself at the Floor 3145, trying to take a breathe.
  5. Leonardo Da Vinci's bridge. https://cs14.pikabu.ru/video/2022/09/19/166356362725620146_1280x704.webm
  6. When your system is nervous. "This is who we are! This is what we for!" (c) Everything other is just meat.
  7. Si. Is Dumble d'Ore called so before or after being balrogged?
  8. What's the chance that somebody had an idea to build a city on the North coast of Finland and call it Oulu?
  9. Sandial A sundial on beach sand. *** Nosferical geometry. The branch of mathematics devoted to vampyramids.
  10. Oops, indeed. To have too many KSP pages opened is banned.
  11. To let the muggles' life be full of sense. Was Hogwarts immune to V-2?
  12. Granted. You do. But nobody believes. I wish my school had a little nuclear reactor back in my day.
  13. Since their fancy nukes we can expect a NK-Orion quite soon. They don't know the word "too risky". Also it's all about mechanics, not about big rocket voodoo. Also, they have the whole ocean to launch. Nothing but Japan is on the way. Also as they don't have a Shuttle SRB or UR-700/Energy booster, we could have a chance to watch the oceanic nuclear launch, with a half-kilometer deep crater in water.
  14. But neither Black Space Shuttle program, nor Project Horizon were driving the rover at 0.0001 g. Also, NASA SEV. It's like a rover with Gatling gun and Bruce Willis but without Gatling gun and Bruce Willis.
  15. I'm behind the times to the date. Is it currently a construction mod (like Planetary Launchpads, USI, WBI or so) where you can specify not just "1200 Rocket Parts", but "100 Metals, 20 Chemicals, 40 Plastics" to fabricate a "1 Mainsail Engine" in situ? Is there a TechTree mod where you can specify that "Mainsail" node gets available only after "Terrier" was built?
  16. Because, as it follows from its name, the vehicle is a small particle of veh, while the cars are big. Why do the bikers run bicycles?
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