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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Disney cartoons are cheating. Can't they film cartoons staying ney?
  2. Floor 3134: The next part of something sinister starting to emerge from the darkness.
  3. No problem. It's normal. They are green.
  4. Interesting, is it Starship progress stopping the KSP-2 release, or KSP-2 delay is stopping the Starship flight? Which one lacks another?
  5. It's so strange to see cyrillic letters on American flags...
  6. Rules were. Chaos is. How many s's are there in Swiss scissors?
  7. In mathematics the number progression can be arithmetic, geometrical, and like rabbits. Math is cheating.
  8. Most part of life would get extinct in short term. Except the rodents, boars, and wolves, of course. Because they are either human-dependent domesticated forms, or survive in the nature reserves where the superpredators like wolves get killed, 1. Why not give all your home and money to somebody else? What if he can use them better than you? 2. The geology and the astrophysics will not give even 300 My. The Earth will be hot, the oxygen will be high. 3. What if exactly the humans are the best the Earth could make? The pre-emptive justice is a thing. Easily. A good global nuclear war, and the humanity will be very economical for several centuries, even if restores in decades. On the personal level one can just save several dollars for corporations making money on him. You don't decide what plastic they will manufacture. You consume what they give. So, for bacterial life. The high species will get extinct much sooner. Because the natural selection runs much faster under the sapient life pressure. The nature is just tying up loose ends. Prosperous species rarly get extinct, mostly the too long living relicts and random evolutionary junk do, being replaced with modern models. The roaches think we are monsters. We are monsters, and the roaches know it. We can measure and see who is closer to the result. We don't need to believe that we are guilty in having 9.80665 instead of 1.62.
  9. After watching the KSPI-E cfgs, it took some time to decide is it's about Orion or Fun facts, as it's fun facts about Orion. But according to the fundamental Mini-Mag Orion description https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268042768_Mini-Mag-Orion_A_Pulsed_Nuclear_Rocket_for_Crewed_Solar_System_Exploration , they (the irl they, not KSP) indeed are/were going to use 245Cm as a fissile for its pellets, because the ship gets twice lighter than the 239Pu-based variant. Who cares that 245Cm is fully artificial (produced in reactors from artificial plutonium), thus very rare, and is mixed with highly radioactive curium isotopes.
  10. I would post a link to "Struggling to understand Gen Z Slang" (aka КОГДА ПЫТАЕШЬСЯ ПОНЯТЬ МОЛОДЕЖНЫЙ СЛЕНГ), but am afraid that the A-word repeated in English original thrice will be inappropriate.
  11. I do. It's especially funny when the "sales consultant" stops the can-i-helping and gets puzzled. Kompakt-Disk PZU (Postoyannoye Zapominayushcheye Ustroystvo, Permanent Memory-Storing Device, ROM)
  12. A failed but attempten Russian officialism for CD-ROM was/is КД-ПЗУ /ke-de pe-ze-u/, an exact translation of CD-ROM. To DVD-ROM it wasn't even attempted.
  13. I would not be surprised if the Arabian Peninsula TV doesn't have a "rainy" weather term at all. Just "Usual".
  14. You see! That's a power of positive thinking! "We aren't hanging in space, it's just the planet escapes from beneath with speed of our falling!"
  15. Floor 3132: They can see that Deadpool is playing pool.
  16. Now the ocean rising in your plate makes the food sink, He also looks flat. Waiterer! Increase the thermal speed of your waiters to make them circulate faster.
  17. If there is one chance in googol that the solipsists are Solipsist is right. and the world exists only in their imagination, we just have to press the red button to save the Universe.
  18. One may have either physics or chemistry, but not both. Either accelerated ions with applied energy from external source, or molecules of exhaust gas giving that energy. The ion can't be at the same time a part of molecule and free.
  19. Of course. What makes you think that the Russians know English to translate into it without the Planetary Google Network? It is. But it's zero. Like the bald is a style of hairdom and to be sober to be zero-drunk, Or if the wallet is empty, it doesn't mean that its owner has no money. He has zero of it.
  20. A serpentine chute with a caption "Surprise!" A double-bottomed fuel tank. A chocolate egg with RTG inside.
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