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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Crossing rivers instead of walking around is cheating itself. Including boats.
  2. All statues in the park are actually stoned trolls. Parkookie,
  3. PLaying football with hands is cheating.
  4. Richard the Lionheart was /Ri'sha:r/ rather than /R'ichard/.
  5. It's just forced to be. Activated Hill
  6. I can't even spell its title, so disgusting it was. What if revert the Milky Way rotation.
  7. Since Diocletianus the Byzanthians had and an August (Sr. Emperor) and a Caesar (Jr. Emperor) ruling together.
  8. Pluto (in the center), Sedna (standing), Quaoar, Make-Make, and Ixion are joining the Kuiper Planetary Collective Farm .
  9. it quickly starts smelling when they need time to cook the other meat. The intestines, too. Especially in hot climate. Then they put all these treasures in cans and conserve, to account to the client. Of course, it required a religious base they applied to. Expendable boides and targeted machine learning. A hive of unnified humans.
  10. Take that wrench and knock out the pins. Then remove the wheel from the carriage. He always did so.
  11. And again, we can see only the DNA traces of successful mating experiments. We will never know (and maybe for the better) about other attempts. As we know, the humans are a very avoidant species, and look askance even at the humans from other tribes. And the Neanders were probably same, as well. So, unlikely the adoption was popular. Probably the only experiment which could leave Neander traces in human genes was a mass mating of the captured She-Hulk. The possible resulting babies could be adopted as "ugly but ours".
  12. And now ride veeery slowly, because the bike costs like a half of Lamborgini.
  13. You realise that the cook puts mice in cookies intentionally, as a surprise. Trollcookcookie.
  14. The very term "planet" is erroneous and misleading. The ancient people called so the lights which move, opposed to the lights which don't. I believe if they could see the modern sky with thousands of satellites, they would distinguish "fast planets" and "slow planets".
  15. Oldest deliberate successful amputation We will never know about other attempts.
  16. (Io) The Love, Death & Robots s03e03 The Very Pulse of the Machine has revealed the true nature of Io, so I'm not surprised. WWII. And yes, why make simple when you can complicate. A tin pipe of the pulse engine vs propeller mechanics.
  17. The ophthalmology clinics in No Ban is a friend of your eyes. Ban everyone who thinks otherwise.
  18. While the cookienator is being back, a mouse stole the cookie.
  19. Calling every game you could complete simple is cheating.
  20. A knight's sword is twice lighter than an assault rifle.
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