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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Both are banned by Callisto. And not once.
  2. Jason Kerman tried to pass between the rocks of Skill and Harisma when he heard the sound of alarm Siren. He's still hanging in that triangularity. Homer Kerman was singing about the Jupiter's Trojans.
  3. Granted. After the forum update all users have the same name. Oops, a copypaste mistake. *** I wish for a random movie generator.
  4. Banned for discriminating the multi-heart species.
  5. He said, they should film the Baikonur episodes of the movie.
  6. Because humans are trying to convince themselves that they are not apes. (Actually, are). Oops... Why did the Ancient Romans add "-us" and "-um" to every word instead of pressing a spacebar?
  7. Not a big fan of Tolkien (too poetic for me), but since I've read his books several times in student years thirty years ago, when the whole fantasy genre was unknown in the USSR, I know the setting pretty good, and just can't watch what this Sauron Films Production made to it. And no, Galadriel was not a warrior, she was born in Valinor, a princess (who could be so suicidal to bully her?), and her reasons to move to the Middle Earth were purely egoistic, to get a personal kingom. As well as other elves were following their egoistic reasons, too.
  8. A bowl of petunias. Back to the Martian balloons topic.
  9. LOTR: The Rings Of Power, s01e01-02 19:45 Downloaded. 19:55 Removed. I love the new fantasy series. They save me a lot of space on HDD.
  10. When you have KIS + IR + KF https://cs14.pikabu.ru/video/2022/09/02/166208656123395474_544x960.webm @Ben J. Kerman
  11. After adding too many booster vaccines, Jebediah Kerman becomes a covirus himself, and now he is not a libing being anymore, but a biochemical agent. Obadiah Kerman, Guillaume William, Bill Kerman, and Ruprecht Robert, Bob Kermann were historical reconstructors, and decided to reproduce the lunar flight of their namesakes.
  12. Banned for banning the generation 39.
  13. Let me introduce the Chisel Orion project The pusher plate is attached to a hefty chisel. You get close to the space ironclad, blast a nuke behind, and the chisel kicks the target armor with the force of a nuke.
  14. It's a steel plate with water/steam cooling pipes inside. Those two-stage plungers should retract extend. Also, they are sometimes described as springs, but actually they should be pneumatic accumulators of energy, The piston comes into the pressurized cylinder with inert gas, and adiabatically compresses it. Then the gas starts extending, pushing out the piston, and pushing the cylinder itself forward, towards the upper piston, pushing it inside the upper cylinder, and adiabatically compressing the upper stage inert gas. Then the second stage inert gas expands, pushes out its piston, and pushes the second stage cylinder (attached to the engine frame) forwards, together with attached ship. That's how every plunger stage decreases the piston acceleration a hundred times, and while the pusher late jump up at 10 000 g, the engine frame and the ship receive just oscillating 1 g. Twenty minutes of horse riding in seats - and the acceleration is over, the ship is drifting to Mars.
  15. I mean the strange color of a thing withstranding the close nuclear explosions (would the color burn?) and the black color of the steel pusher plate, probably rubber or blued.
  16. Granted. You hire a servant and he/she serves, so he/she is a server. When there were (are?) the "master" and "slave" in the old HDD configuration, why there were no "freedmans" and "colons"?
  17. Banned by Xena The Warrior Princess (who is a Bulgarian*) *) Character, not actress.
  18. Floor 3074: Strangely looking people in tatters ask you: "Do you now understand?"
  19. They made it black & blue rather than just metallic. It gives +12 to thrust force, and +10% to fire resistance! Also, due to the rubber pusher plate, the whole thing can be used as a sink plunger, not only as plungers receiving the hits.
  20. Granted. You put the playstation vertically near the laptop and don't take the latter from table. Now you kinda have PC. I wish the wireless mice were not just consuming batteries, but also were giving birth to new ones.
  21. Floor 3072: The reason why the floor 3071 is empty.
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