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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. You're a guy who understands what are these two talking about.
  2. Moby-Dick A highly mobile manager of your retail network inspecting the affiliates and wearing a white shirt.
  3. Yes, it's the text which I mean, but in translation it sounds rather different. (The narrator's mud and intonation in original is specific.)
  4. They should smoke and see where the smoke flows. Then attach a wet cloth to make an ice patch.
  5. Try to look on the table, under the bed, and in every place you could lose it. Wait... Is thegle angle?
  6. Houses are caves built in panic out of handfuls of mud and clay. Are "chicken" and "children" past participles?
  7. Granted. You also go italically. Not all movies in foreign languages need subtitles or translations. Some are pretty self-descriptive. *** But I mean a fantasy movie neuronet generator.
  8. Floor 3080: People craving stars out of store.
  9. Oops, now I can see what's cheatingly confusing me here.
  10. Paracetamol A paranormal hybride of a whale and a mole.
  11. The Gallifreyan Time Lords are banned for having such a trash instead of a normal planet. Are they Time Lords or what?
  12. It's a pity that the famous Zvirmarillion by S.O.Rokdevyatiy is absolutely untranslatable from Russian. It gives the most clear picture of the canon.
  13. http://www.collectspace.com/ubb/Forum14/HTML/001072.html#:~:text=Due to the weight saving,three layers of kitchen foil. (LEM)
  14. Xena is. You are not Xena. Ergo you are a cheater.
  15. Illiterate Make something step-by-step in a rather sick way. ill-iterate
  16. Floor 3078: A closed elevator exit with a caption "Out of order".
  17. I've read the "extra stuff" (being on duty in airport), so a boredom defeated a boredom, and I did it. But the thing they show looks like the neuronet generated random around-Tolkien images rather than ecranization at all. A funny thing. They describe the elvish invasion to Middle Earth as a rise and something exalted, while in the Tolkien narrative it's exactly the opposite, a story of the elvish fall from paradise into material world,
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