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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The summoned Hecatoncheires grab the titans and throw them in Tartar. Tartlets.
  2. Calling 911 because the Darkness Portal is opened in your wardrobe...
  3. Banned because depends on who isn't who.
  4. Floor 3089: Servants with basins of roses to throw them down, like the Romans liked.
  5. Flower What flows. Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_words
  6. Because other old sci-fi we call documentary. Were the statues in Old Valyria covered with dracon manure?
  7. It's alternative positivity. Why do the nucleons consist of quark rather than cheese?
  8. Floor 3086: Medieval robbers with crossbows are aiming at the clients at floor 3085.
  9. Probably, their budgets were spent on hyperrealistic spiders of all kinds. So, no Bombie, no Barrow-wights, no Sharky, and even the trolls in the Hobbit look thinner than could be.
  10. The Sheryl Crow fans are banned by the fans of Taylor Swift, because two Middle-Earth epochs ago it was explained by somebody here that the latter is greater. Meanwhile, while the country music fans are sorting things out, a medieval country musical pause.
  11. Floor 3084: Big Data, the elder cousin of both.
  12. Even the One Ring has no power over Tom Bomb-a-Deal, let alone the film makers.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo's_aerial_screw 528 years https://www.cnet.com/science/this-drone-flies-using-da-vincis-530-year-old-helicopter-design/
  14. So, and the 55th anniversary of the previous deadline. SLS = Specialists' Lunch System They have to feed the military rocketeers. The Moon is optional.
  15. The duodecimal system could be easily compatible with the hexadecimal one. Zero, Ace, 2, ..., 9, 10, Elf. Dozen, Jack, Knight, Queen, King Also the playcards could become hexadecimal.
  16. The gravitational constant was extremely high at that location, so even the tiny wormsteroid had a normal gravity. Also, for that reason the asteroid atmospheres were very extended, so they were floating in the air cloud. Why do they playcards have no "elevens" and "dozens"? They could be hexadecimal.
  17. Telling "cheating" more than three times is a cheating.
  18. Sorry, sir. These young servants are so clumsy. Het, First Page! Get out of this gentleman's soup, and go to the kitchen to clean the cauldron. PLEASE, WAIT... ERR
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