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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Floor 2938: A Dwemer observation post to keep an eye on the mountains and what's beneath them.
  2. The producers were cheaters and all disasters disappeared together with any common sense during the last three seasons.
  3. Ye Olde Yenga joins Xianity. Xenga.
  4. Bacchus likes cookies. A Bacchus Cookie.
  5. Banned by Orange Duke for royalism.
  6. Who knows, the caption was too long. Floor 2937: A windows with a beautifule mountain view inside.
  7. In https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Demolished_Man they use a standard intro dialog to start a conversation instead of this imitation of fake interest.
  8. Make a mod, but don't finish it. It will be a partial mod. Is that column placed accurately against the wall entrance? (I was sure, but currently doubt. Looks, it's shifted by several meters along the street.)
  9. The clubbing includes macing. And some word cheating.
  10. Trying to read the whole caption, you are climbing and finally reach Floor 2935.
  11. The smart cookie replaced mobile cookies. A stylus for Smart Cookie.
  12. You live on a piece of rock in the abyss of vacuum, close to a burning ball of hydrogen, and still ask why is the life so hard??? When will they build Emiko station?
  13. Banned for mentioning only new spaper.
  14. Mountain sports champignonship. Ball On Hills
  15. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5340612?from=spot A yearly infographix of Space & Rososmos launches (orange/pale brown = success, dark-teal / dark-brown = fail)
  16. They just want to know if it's still standing instead of sink through the ground.
  17. Words stick. Grossliebchenkooken.
  18. Using a club for joy is a cheating.
  19. A stupid question. Everyone speaks Portuguese, just some people hesitantly. And in every Brazilian series we could watch, they pronounce Embraer as Embraer. Is "Em" in this word from music or from computer typography?
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