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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Borg? Swedeb is borgged. https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Göteborg
  2. That's what they call "cheater" "ex-pert". First was pert, then no.
  3. It's excellent! Admirelurk Cookie
  4. A lighthouse on top. Fresnel Lens Hill
  5. You didn't. As there is elephant, where is twelphant?
  6. Should we now expect Chrysler_TV-8?
  7. And there is the third option. Except keeping or avoiding the eye contact, keep your eyes focused at the point right behind his/her nose bridge (between eyes), several centimeters deep inside his/her head. Thus you are both keeping and avoiding the eye contact, and kinda looking inside his/her mind. Was first time using this long ago on school teachers, as a trolling worked perfectly.
  8. Little John was named so in honour of MGR-3 rocket. He had an elder brother Honest John in the abbey nearby. Nobody knew exactly what happened to their middle brother, MGR-2, but everyone was suspecting that MGR-1 and MGR-3 became a robber and a monk for reasons.
  9. The ERA grappling effector is Buran-derived, and has nothing common to Canadarm. They probably could develop an adaptor, but it would require various electric converters, and couldn't be used by Canadarm, so it doesn't make sense.
  10. Banned for not revealing the prior "generation" patient.
  11. Rob in Hood was called so because he was robbing in hood.
  12. Ambience? Just a second, we have a nice ambient theme in our jukebox. Weighter! How many pounds are inside my soup?
  13. Banned because actually this is not a social experiment, but a generation counter of the vampiric initiation. @Maria Sirona (gen.36) has been bitten by @Kerb24 (gen.35), who was bitten by @Admiral Fluffy (gen.34), and so on. We should could would screwed following the sequence and searching the Patient Zero, as nobody cares. No body cares...
  14. The honor of declaring of the new paged was stupidly banned. Shame upon me.
  15. Granted. wish := true; Granted I wish Delphi never had this idiotic Pascal notation.
  16. Piccard can pick card from the clouds and from the Mariana Trench bottom. He picks the axe, to..
  17. How can someone train a pokemon being not a pokemon himself? Either the trainers are pokemons, or they don't train anything.
  18. Floor 2942: The arrowheads sticking out from the floor.
  19. Leaving the pectations and making them ex-pectations is a cheating, too.
  20. Sarsaparilla is watered with Quantum Nuka Cola, so the mutated plants grow. Beercqerel Kola
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