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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Still magnet. What's the average value of Australia and Antarctics.
  2. The clouds are orbiting around it. What's better, gray or grey?
  3. Banned Kiebherr instead of Kerbherr
  4. If they are giants, they are full of lighter gases which get oxidized. But there is a hypothetical probablity close to zero that somewhere in the universe there had been appeared a huge gas ball consisting of oxygen, so you can breathe in its intermediate layer where it's both warm and gaseous.
  5. First of all, if they require a "promise" (so to appeal to mystic/religious force) of "whole truth", it's a blasphemy itself because a human can't know "whole truth", so he doesn't just give a promise (so, pretends to do something without taking into account his limited possibility to avoid external circumstances like a deity will), but pretends to be aware of the "whole truth" (i.e. pretends to know things beyond his limited mortal nature). After that, everything other is nothing.
  6. Food, clothes, hygiene, medicine, it's all to make the life longer. And money are the way to get then enough. When tech level of the civilisation gets post-economical, and the lifetime extendable, no need to distinguish all of that. So, their low-level currency is the lifetime score points on their personal account, to "pay" the next life prolongation. *** When the techlevel achieves the pseudo-hive level, the "hives" exchange with resources required for the temporary bodies building.
  7. Nobody wants the proliferation. Nobody wants a hundred of RTG appear everywhere in jungles.
  8. The reactor building should withstand a passenger plane hit, but according to the numerous movies, we should be afraid of activization of various forms of paranormal activity.
  9. Afaik, in Russia they don't ask for the ancient mystic rituals like promises, they just warn you about responsibility for the false statements. The accused one isn't responsible, and may say or not say whatever he wants. The witnesses mayn't.
  10. We should realize that the living in any galaxy is the living inside a nuclear reactor. Just few small places where the organic slime can survive enough long to start thinking. So, it just happens rarely, and once a civilization gets enough mature to start making out of silicon the CPU chips instead of the hand-axe chips, probably less than a thousand years passes before they became a post-biological species and join the network civilization of elder ones as new nodes. So, simultaneously there should exist just one or two human-level civilizations per galaxy cluster, and the silence is an absolutely natural and expectable.
  11. Friends and foes flip every 30 years. By 2050 (when the lunar basing will become a thing, and the first ITER fruits will appear) Rogozin (or his colleagues) will cut a red band of honor together with NASA counterparts, opening something. Just the military-applied science will have a priority, and a double-purpose research equipment. Hubble is a overturned spysat, iirc.
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avangard_(hypersonic_glide_vehicle) ? If it has a ten of megaton-range warheads, it's a MIRV wing. A Salyut-like orbital platform is not even a cost for that. A one man's "cost" is another man's "profit". Just be on the right side of the trading table.
  13. 1/T = dS/dQ, but you can keep inventing new ideas as long as you wish. A number is a mathematical computable representation of a physical value quantity. (Or take the vol. V in library and study it, like I was doing for a whole year.)
  14. BOR, HTV, and X-3x have been being tested since 1970s. It won't be reloaded in any case, at least because "90%" of its mass are the impactors/warheads, and "9%" is fuel. It's anyway easier to launch a built new one. So, it makes no sense even to shoot at it when it has shot. The word "expensive" is for poor countries. The rich ones prefer "profitable".
  15. It will take several hours for a below-the-space ASAT missile to approach the (already empty) orbital launch platform on HEO. A LEO -based hypersonic glider with a 2 000 km crosswind maneuver can reach any place on any large country territory within an hour, from the non-Arctic direction which lacks radars. *** (And that's without the lunar backside silos.)
  16. A mass collision of Starlink and OneWeb sats. The Chinese one and (forgot the name) will join a bit later.
  17. The absolute temperature is a signed value with accurate scientific definition, and doesn't need in somebody's interpretations and understanding. It can be both positive and negative, and negative values are colloquially called "cooler" than positive ones.
  18. You can. I wish, there is enough numbers for Jeb123265.
  19. The Colonel Mountains get colonized by the surface base mounted there. Colonized Mountained Base
  20. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Why do they uze "zzzz"? Never heard anyone sounding like "zzzzzzzz" while sleeping.
  21. And again. The given was about the lowest possible temperature, not about its physical nature or possibility to use. Mathematically speaking, -1 < 0.
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