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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. In 1960s - a year. In 2020s - two decades
  2. Granted. You skip the next twenty years of preparations, and now you are twenty years older, and Starship will try to start in three days. I wish they hadn't forgotten to strap SuperHeavy..
  3. Because the nostrils aren't hexagons. Why "youtube" isn't "yourtube" or "youtub"?
  4. Typing so many clever words is a carpet cheating.
  5. You need these lines anyway, and they can be repaired much easier than 100+ m high windmills. They are put inside a building. This automatically makes them stronger. And also the big iron things are not designed to catch any aerial flow, rather than windmills (and solar panels as well, as they must be lightweight, thin, and large). I didn't say "nuke winter", I said "volcanic winter". This happened not once in history, a year or two without summer, after a strong volcanic eruption. Aim the, and they will become a target, what's a problem. You even don't need accuracy, it's a large fragile target. They are sails.
  6. Btw a critical weakness of all those "green powah" fantasies. Nuclear and combustion power plants are compact and can be made well-protected by meters of concrete, their parts can be easily moved to restore the destroyed ones. While any windmill and solar panels would be blown away by even a low-yield nuke around. Also what about a "volcanic winter" and solar power generation? The green powah is a kind of elvish homes on the trees.
  7. "napalm" < "napthenic acid salt" + "palmitic acid salt" "Palmolive" < "palm oil" + "olive oil" Is "Napalmolive" a correct trademark of incendiary soap and its manufacturer?
  8. Wasn't that built before Google Maps was a thing? I suspect it still uses dials. Probably it's a available only for premium users.
  9. I ban cuz I can, A can full of ban.
  10. A combo-box in the geographic software suddenly slided by one position, or the mouse was unwashed, or the finger was thick. Though, Google Maps should take care of providing "Aim the missile" functionality, like they have "Plane Flight" mode in Google Earth. and were watching with interest, where it will fall. That's why they forgot to make a phone call.
  11. Compared to the Cold War, there is several times less missile warheads, sp the target list is definitely reduced and shifted to counterforce.
  12. It was not just a ghoul, but an owl ghoul. Ghowl cookie.
  13. The rationality is a cheating technics in the world of chaos.
  14. Floors 2727 and 2728. You can measure the gravity difference with a clock and a rope with a weight on it.
  15. Sticky foam are also used for several decades to immobilize riot members. So, the net gun + foam ejector.
  16. You should be released as a game. Where are the non-posted posts live before getting posted?
  17. Banned because I'm currently trying to avoid flaming in hot themes due to known events, so curremtly decreased the frequency of my visits.
  18. A triple monogonometry. As there is physics, are there chisics and psisics?
  19. Banned because it's a singleton choice here.
  20. Toilet leaks. A rescue plumber is on the way to the leaking station.
  21. Oops, the photo is not of the fallen one, but of a launchpad. It's a random photo.
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