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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted. 1.11 finally performs its coming out on console. It lags and will lag always. I wish to use the Moon as LED.
  2. It's captured by trolls. It's now a ControLL Point.
  3. The holebbit has found a nice golden ring.
  4. Isn't the explosive charge just a self-destruction device of a recon drone.
  5. excavator = ex-cavator = former cavator = not a cavator anymore
  6. A 40 day long quarantine. The ship has flown away without the tourists. An Apollo astronaut jumping by pogo stick.
  7. Tu-141 is derived from the cruise missile (Tu-121 → Tu-123 → Tu-141).
  8. Now it's clear why the moon is chaotically wandering today.
  9. Catch a mouse for her. They will play guitar and drum. Can a dear deer board a sheep ship?
  10. Yes. It's a compound feedstuff. Spit this out and leave the barn, please. Waiter! Do you really have only sandwiches? Where are the claywiches or mudwiches?
  11. Granted. You suddenly enabled a pizza spawner, and the room quickly gets filled with pizzas up to the ceiling. Wrong thread? "Sczcz" is definitely a cheating. *** I wish for eleven-face dice.
  12. Maybe yummy, but your inventory is full of cookie, so you have to drop the last torch, and... do you hear that sound?..
  13. Do cheat, hire a goblin with a goblet of fire
  14. A hundred of arguing voices in the head. Done. Just ten opposite opinions left.
  15. Sorry, we have only led ones left. Waiter! Is the bus stop at your diner USB-compatible?
  16. A mental hive. Run a thought question, let experts give an answer... ... and choose from a hundred of opposite expert opinions.
  17. A humoral banning sounds too physiological.
  18. Being a notawizard is a cheating in the world of magikc.
  19. Two white mice ate the fortytwookie.
  20. The KSP splashscreen plays ok. When they say "it's ok", how do they recognize the ok between others?
  21. Gabon is the first country in history, having their own nuclear reactor. Long before US, SU, and others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_nuclear_fission_reactor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklo The motherland of nuclear physics.
  22. Some US places are named after the East-European/Russian counterparts...
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