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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted, but what are you going to talk about with the apple worm? I wish to update the page.
  2. Banned for aggressive antiilliteranianism.
  3. Granted a zero. It's opposite to itself. I wish to leave this chat for a minute to visit the kitchen.
  4. Now the cookie is automatically created by the machine. Autocreated by cookiechine.
  5. Don't be afraid, these one are just roaches, trying to escape from your soup. Waiter! What does it mean, the "salt" written on the shaker? Salt of what acid, what base? Can't you just read "sodium chloride" if this is what I'm thinking, it is.
  6. https://mennstuff.com/star-trek-shirt-colors-meanings/ As a sign of cooperation, they decided to use the StarTrek color scheme, familiar to the Americans.
  7. The archaeologists came. Babengers vase.
  8. Use a propalsion mod. Where is the Apollo contrapulsion engine?
  9. Magneto grapples the Iron Man magnetically.
  10. Granted. A bag of money falls on your head. I wish for a 3d creatures printer (like Spore).
  11. The heater was broken. A coolnuclear cookie.
  12. No ">" in the beginning of the command line is a reason to ban. The pea soup had spent a day outside of fridge and unbans itself once having been eaten.
  13. 5/10 Maybe you are an intendant. Then you are only a 5/10 human, and the rest is a soulless calculating machine. I'm a sleepy lazy pig (today), and this makes me a human.
  14. I'm on Win 7 because only here I feel really free, without asking Apple if I may stand up or sit down, and without gathering roots and worms at the crossroads of Linux docs.
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