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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Quoting Larry 7, "It s'pork". Waiter! The garlic sauce, please. And a silver spoon. And a wooden stake.
  2. Granting is impossible. You realize that you are already the betterest possible you, and I wish you find a new wish.
  3. The ancient natives had built this road for ritual and astronomic purposes, because they were worshipping the solar cult, and the winters are cold at your place, so they were celebrating the spring coming. Just have a look, how precisely they put the centerline of this way of processions to match the equinox sun position... And everything without the modern tools, just by hands, wands, and a fishing string. Especially the pit in the middle is interesting. It obviously symbolizes the underworld visited by the soul of the initiate on his road to the Sun, before he appeared again on top after passing its trials.
  4. Yes. A limestone hill with trapped fish bones, slightly more radioactive than the stone itself due to the sediment epoch they belong to. And a park in the small valley aside. (The caves are natural, just the hill is porous.)
  5. Of radioactive fish bones trapped in the limerocks above the underground caves, but visible from the sidewalk along the side wall of a giant oval chalice with a green park on the bottom. No, seriously.
  6. Actually the game has been finished and exists... is existing... just on another plane of the multiverse reality. It is awaiting for being summoned, conjured, to enter this world.
  7. With the Kerbal walking speed, we first need a scooter.
  8. Because it's not cooked yet. Also please put the cabbage back to the trash can. Waiter! Cabbage, porridge, and sausage.
  9. Turn them around to see clearly, or be banned.
  10. Because I'm not a waiter, and this is not a diner. Please, get out of the studio. Waiter! A bag of dehydrated potato powder, please.
  11. Granted. Now you can use the glasses together with other kitchenware. I wish spoon existed.
  12. Haven't you forgotten the oars? A shark is circling around the boat going to island airfield.
  13. Iirc, yellow is the Chinese royal color(s).
  14. The machine and the cookie are broken. The autocreated brokookie from the cookiechine.
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