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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Si... ...plus-plus
  2. + Are the crocodile and alligator kids allidiles or crocogators?
  3. You are trying to escape from your landmine with pickaxe and shovel.
  4. kerbiloid


    One and seven up.
  5. Because you wait. Waiter! The context menu, please.
  6. Swell. Good beforenoon, then. *** If there is "evening", is "morning" = "odding" ?
  7. It's the hyperloop. In the hypersoup. Waiter! Can you see the bell to call waiters on thr table?
  8. The washed hands, opened the toilet door, and returned to the Earth without obstacles.
  9. Santa Barbara is the only series deserving a watching.
  10. Granted. It had not. Now it hasn't. I wish for "The Night Land" ecranisation.
  11. Nobody stopped me from banning in the cheating thread. It's a cheating from you.
  12. Mostly afternoon. Why do they say "afternoon", but never "beforenoon"?
  13. Banned because you actually are on top of the page, so there is no user above.
  14. Granted. A horoscope may help you. I wish for possible.
  15. The launch is postponed until it's finished. A seaship voyage to catch a spent rocket shroud costing several dollars.
  16. A master-class of trolling on photo.
  17. As I suggested, just a lack of culture.
  18. Only humans have brains. First we have to prove if we are in the corresponding thread. Why did I confuse many threads this evening?
  19. They are here to remind of the diner thread. Waiter! Marshmallow mushroom mush, please.
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