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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. For the sake of truth, they have also shown the Kerbal facial expressions and Kerbal spectacles. *** It looks like it's not a game about flying cylinders in space and 11 year old Kerbal animated models, but a video quality saga with realistic bullet hits. "Miracle! Give us a miracle!"
  2. Let it answer itself. Bartendeer! Are you a reindeer?
  3. Yes, but it's enough old. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CuneiForm_(software) Though, worked fine in its time. Why are the software companies trying to sell for many dollars the free torrent software like Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw?
  4. Confusing people with forum accounts is a cheating.
  5. The right-wing capitalist party owns the cookie. Bourgeoukie.
  6. Because it's the only known viable design (preferrably in the Mini-Mag version, but the classic one is what doesn't require hi-tech) of interplanetary and (Mini-Mag) interstellar drive. And because serious people were doing that.
  7. The morning starts from click.
  8. Tara Reid defeats this usual sharknado and takes the pillow as a prize.
  9. The original Orion project included a Martian expedition, too. One of the Orions was to deorbit and land by chemical boosters onto the pusher plate and stay there forever as a planetary base. Others were staying in orbit, get onboard the landed personnel returned from Mars in a chemical rocket, and return to the Earth, being fully orbital.
  10. I wasn't even aware of the Night Rider existence, because I don't have enough VHS for every sequel of the Faster, Pussycat! Kill, Kill!
  11. Only if use Ye Olde English letters in its name. Eth (ð) The y in ye actually comes from the letter eth, which slowly merged with y over time. ... Thorn (þ) Thorn is in many ways the counterpart to eth. ... Wynn (ƿ) Wynn was incorporated into our alphabet to represent today's w sound. ... Yogh (ȝ) ... Ash (æ) ... Ethel (œ) Why did they remove these nice letters?
  12. Banned for being unaware of famous philosophers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Abelard
  13. Transaction completed.
  14. Look at the keyboard bottom. Why is Apple II better than Apple I?
  15. The invincible SCP-173 statue stands on top of the Devon Hill waiting for the invulnerable SCP-682 reptile inattention. Doomed Dilemma Hill
  16. Any way you like. The emergency phone is anyway 112. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
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