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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. About the puns. Is "gunslinger" a person who hides guns in lingery? Revolvookie.
  2. Your outdoor suit is dusty? Your entire planet is also covered with dust? The air outside is almost vacuum? Can't even open your window to refresh it in your room? Forget your problems! Do you know about the Kirby's Best Vacuum Cleaner? It is your best friend on the Moon, on the Mars, and even on the Earth! Please, let me show it in action, and then decide if you prefer keep living without it, or change your life for the better! For the much better!
  3. The fat is a hydrostatic bed to protect the internals from high acceleration from inside. Fatter pilot - better flight. Do not drink! Eat! Why, do you think, the Kerbals prefer fastfood aka snacks? The sumoists should be perfect pilots. Well-trained, relatively good heart and blood pressure, much anti-overload fat. Just the fighter payload should be less by a 300 lb bomb.
  4. If the Martian air was enough dense to let the Martian camels breath, the Martian sandstorms were definitely able to bury them in the dunes.
  5. (Nods in silence).
  6. Why arre you stoppping others from telling the previous poster about his mistake? Are you an advocate? Barions and leptons are here not just without reasons, too.
  7. A long beard is needed not to impress somebody, but just because it's cool. It's very cool. And sometimes it's snowing. A climate cheating.
  8. Another side note about the landers and rovers. In any case a heavy lunar/martian rover absolutely needs the outriggers to let the wheels have a rest between movements. You don't have a wheel shop there, and the simple pistons are stronger and more reliable than wheels or tracks. Though, rarely we can see them in sci-fi designs. *** As the chassis part of the rover will get damaged much faster than its functional part, a rover may have the chassis as a separate part, to be delivered without the whole rover replacement. This in turn means some bridge workshop to lift the upper and replace the lower. This in turn means that the chassis type may be switched in the rover's lifetime. *** A heavy landing spaceship (a Nexus or a Prometheus/Rocinante) should have even three types of gears: 1) Landing gear. For soft landing. To be retracted under the landing process. 2) Parking gear. The outriggers. To stand. 3) Motion gear. Wheels, stepping platforms, or tracks. To be extended (from the ship) or temporarily attached (to the Nexus, or planetary base modules), when you need to move it from the random landing position to the service pad, launch pad, or to another landed ship to dock them. *** The Rocinante-like ships should dock with side extendable docking ports of a railroad tunnel size, with extendable rails connecting inside to move cargo.
  9. I guess, the cloud of fighters guarding that stealth, would allow do the same for any other plane as well. It's much easier for a thief to snick into the house through the back window when a dozen of bandits are crashing the doors with sledgehammers, but it looks like they didn't need the thief very much to get in. All these people are thanking the Martian gods for they don't have to do this in spacesuits. And remember, a track has by orders of magnitude more joints than a simple wheel, and both Mars and Moon are nasty dusty. *** Just a side note. The Mars-3 walking probe. Make it bigger for heavy tech like harvesters. Use wheels for lunar trucks and pickups. Build concrete roads and areas for the lunar base. Hide the base underground and cover the pits with panels.
  10. Consorts are royal. Royal Consort Hill
  11. Not granted. WWI has proven that everyone who was trying to correctly pronounce the "-thst-" had no more time to run into the trench. I wish pound was equal to twenty shillings and two hundred and fourty pence, like we studied in school.
  12. The first life evidence to be found on Mars is numerous bones of Martian camels, whose caravans were buried by the Martian dust storms.
  13. It's self-maintaining. Isn't yours?
  14. Maybe Defiance is not the best, but still good.
  15. The red-hot radiator panels next to the heat-proof (cryo?) spheres look good.
  16. Afair, in 1990s Gulf War F-117 was operating together with a dozen of F-15. A cloud of the non-stealths is the best stealth's friend.
  17. The space spits back everything thrown in it, with disgust,
  18. Twenty seconds... Just twenty... That's how much does it take on Mars to get your parked car gone.
  19. Wht do you want everyone to lose the individuality?
  20. Granted. Now you live in the worlds of ideas, with no material thing around. I wish Rumpelschtilzchen was using a stronger password.
  21. Why every newbie tries to poke Kerbaloid in his time, just to realize that this is another user, retired from the forum long ago?
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