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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned for being an ex-(plosives pert).
  2. kerbiloid


    Well, I just have to do this 27up.
  3. It fully opened like a flower and spat out a mini-rover.
  4. Also knowing only 1984 is a cheating, when there is a better Animal Farm.
  5. He also wants joggers. How do they bake underwater pizza with anchovies?
  6. Idk personally, I read that in "Foreign Military Review".
  7. There were Martian lakes, it's proven. Some of them were oases.
  8. Tenpenny Tower for rocket boarding. Dunwich Building. The place of endless crewmen.
  9. Or well. Connecting words is a cheating.
  10. 0/10 AI never has reasons. Only logic and sometimes random. I can travel by Google Earth, as a human. AI would not be doing that.
  11. This Bould happen some day... Oh, ban...
  12. Our cocktail "Nights of Pripyat" as a compliment from our bar. Bartender! Barten der Schnaps, bitte!
  13. Sitting flies with the lingery rubber? (ninja'd) Cheekookie.
  14. Why do you all chatting about the letter "Golf", when everyone knows that Nine Iron is a melee weapon in Fallout?
  15. (Raises the right hand in blessing gesture.)
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