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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It's bigger than just real. Are real numbers real?
  2. Granted. You turn the chair by 180° and now sit with your right side to the computer. I wish for 1.12.4.
  3. Beer starts fountaining instead of oil. Brewerly Hills
  4. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/БАЗ-5921?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OTR-21_Tochka
  5. "No" isn't a question. It's an answer. Do hamsters produce ham?
  6. No way. They are digital. Are there analog Kerbals?
  7. Granted. Your chair is broken. I wish you had a chute.
  8. Navy Water Circus caughts the escaped seals.
  9. Hill Larry, son of Hill Billy.
  10. Of course. Of heading.
  11. Maybe the KSP classics (its GUI and sources) is the best starting point?
  12. Like we had gotten information about the pPropellium, Nitronite, Blutonium, etc in their time... P.S. Still thinking they faced either unrealistic hardware/network requirements, or market calm. P.P.S. GP2
  13. Sweeney Todd likes musicals... .but he likes his job hobby much more.
  14. \> yes You are standing at the wall corner. Turn to the left (L) or wait for an hour (W) ?
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