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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The Dres and Antidres annihilation produced dramma quants. The dramma quants are flying.
  2. I remember the Night Rider. It's about a semi-sapient car, a semi-alive cop, and expendable villainesses.
  3. Granted. You take Thesaueng and put it into google translate to translate into rus. I wish for a 3d model of my former school, but have no time to make it.
  4. Because it's not a lever. It's a trap to make you stand on the step plate in front of it. What's this big round stone rolling onto your head from above? P.S. Yes, I was appreciating Tomb Raider very much.
  5. Vacuum seals don't work because they can't breathe in vacuum.
  6. Breakfast < break + fast, a fast break. When you already have woken up, what does it break? Nothing. The sleeping is over, the work did not yet begin. But when you stand up in the night to eat, and then go to bed again, it's the etymologically proper breakfast. A fast break in the sleeping session.
  7. When every flight requires spending a hundred of nukes, there is no problem in spending several steel pipes. It's much better to make them easily reproducable.
  8. It's KSP. Secure Containment Procedural Hill
  9. Only cheaters accuse others in cheating with no reason.
  10. Make him a computer game character. Why do all Kerbals weight the same? (Btw, both f and m ones).
  11. ICBM can't intercept. They fall. Fallen scrap collection.
  12. Banned for making others to ban uncertainly.
  13. Jeb thanks. Waiter! A glass of water from another pool, please.
  14. Chutes can't open in vacuum. A crash.. Pushing Gilly to Dres to make it a Dres moon.
  15. You just have released the extra dangerous entity from the containment by mistyping the class name. Kether Level Devastation Hill.
  16. The pricing psychology is good, and the false economy of "saved 2 cents" is understandable... ... but looks weird when 1) the shop price doesn't include taxes ("$1498 + tax"); 2) they anyway give tips like "10%" to the waiters, taxi drivers, etc. Turning the actual sum into a random mess. To prevent you from eating breakfast in the evening. I see the 110 just being honest, rather than trying to fool the customer.
  17. Floor 2780: A leprechaun is sitting on stairs and casts the recursion spell.
  18. Funny, but their calendar also uses negative values. Fifth day till January calendae... Forth day till January calendae... I.e. -5 Jan, -4 Jan, -3 Jan, ... Something very strange was happening with the Ancient Roman internal logic... *** Like with American prices. $1498. Two cents till 15 dollars.
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