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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. They have been inverted like Mariana Trench and Himalayas had. Should we bring Olympus Mons from Mars and put it on Antarctics to have a bigger mountain?
  2. Banned for not using a power ban-K.
  3. Utter Pendragon and lady Igraine were cheating. Literally.
  4. A cross-section of a garden bush...
  5. +1 @SSTO Crasher is banned because @Maria Sirona meant "Banned because you did ban", rather than "Banned because you are banned".
  6. Banned because the old mods are being made by other makers.
  7. The pistol explodes and is not intact anymore. The cats keep sleeping. Cats layer.
  8. You tell us. What if invert the Mariana Trench and Himalayas?
  9. Granted. KSP-2 is cancelled, and the only KSP progress is the @ColdJ's mods. I wish he made a complete Thunderbirds world.
  10. Don't you realize, that almost everyone is visiting your thread, just you don't see this because they use the invisibility cheat?
  11. Two drinks quantums of Nuka-Cola, sir. Waiter! Why is the seat in your restroom glowing blue?
  12. https://web.archive.org/web/20180927142646/http://www.nuclear-weapons.info/vw.htm The first British quick-hack meganuke Violet Club, of submegaton class. Pure U, no Pu, no fusion. Thus, huge and weird. Originally it was a megaton officially. But it appeared that it's less than a megaton. It was decided that it's still a megaton, as 0.5 megaton is still is almost a megaton. Then it appeared that it's actually 0.4 Mt. But as 0.4 is still almost 0.5, nobody cared. Its "safety device". Due to its peerless safety, it was prohibited to transport it along roads, and even more than just that. *** And yes, the fuse ignition capacitors of all this beauty was powered with commercial motorcycle batteries, which were charged and inserted immediately before the flight. *** Another epic win is the early British designation system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_Code Violet Club Green Bamboo Green Grass Yellow Sun Blue Peacock / Blue Bunny / Brown Bunny Black Arrow ... *** After all of that the famous chicken-warmed demolition charge doesn't look somewhat strange or unusual anymore...
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Crossroads#Able_target_array The list of ships and distances.
  14. Granted. The icing from Titan is pretty.... spicy... I wish, the Saturn rings were blades.
  15. Here you go. The glass is overturned, to prevent the soup from cooling. Waiter! I guess, everyone knows this joke with a glass of liquid and a paper? Why not do this with soup? (Of course, it's much better to put it on the table and accurately pull the paper from below.)
  16. Choose a beach and land at sea. Why not use a volcano as a pneumatic landing assistance?
  17. Melon is a vegetable. Watermelon is an algae.
  18. It's 138 days left till the Game of Thrones spinoff fiasco.
  19. A geofront. Osaka needs a geofront. Like Tokyo. And Evangelion Giant Combat Mecha Robots. Because... you know...
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