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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted. It works when you have named the craft Lance-a-Lot. I wish for a bird thundering.
  2. X-rays lasers were on the table, and highly probably still are. A long (meters) and thin (millimeters) metal rod with the nuke energy applied from one end, makes its X-ray radiation coherent and reemits it from the opposite end in axial direction. So, it's an X-ray collimator. A bunch of many rods (around the targeting telescope inside) emits a bunch of thin rays mixing into one thick ray, and can hit/heat a target at ~1 000 km distance.. (I have a 1980s Soviet book from my schoolhood with elementary calculations.) Last years I have been occasionally watching pdfs with more detailed and advanced things far beyond the elementary ones from that book. Many (most?) of them metion both X-ray and gamma lasers, as mostly the temperature defines the spectrum of emission. As the hit range of such device of reasonable (for 1980s tech) mass and dimensions is about 1 000 km, while ICBM trajectory is ~10 000 km long, LEO sat semi-orbit is ~20 000 km long, and HEO sat is ~36 000 km high, this means that an X-rays warhead in many cases should be first delivered to the target proximity like any other warhead, rather than just float in LEO. Also this means that it doesn't need a close fly-by and a proper flight heading, it should just pass in hundreds of kilometers from the target and rotate with the telescope into its direction. That's why I believe, such X-ray/gamma laser warheads are the most probable hi-tech star wars until the humanity invents an Existence Improbability Field and Virtual Annihilation Resonant Ray making them traditional weapons obsolete. *** In turn , laser or not, the initiating nuke sends the energy in all directions, so mostly wastes it. So, in 1980s they were often painting a hedgehog of rod bunches around the nuke, to use its energy on several targets. It's maybe a good idea against a dense cloud of warheads, but hardly for far and standalone targets. So, a directed nuke is an efficient source of energy for this device. And what is the directed nuke? It's exactly what the whole Orion project had grown from, is based on, to be propelled by and armed with. Both berillium pusher/filler and tungsten membrane are heated by the shaped nuke explosion and concentrate the energy in the required direction. Just in Orion and Casaba it's used to send a mechanical hit towards the pusher plate and the target respectively, while in the X-rays laser it should heat the rod bunch from the end. So, I believe the X-ray laser is another twin project of the Orion and Casaba, and the only thing changed is the suspended pusher plate ship. (As obviously nobody will spend hundreds of nuke charges for the reasons of pollution, cost, and proliferation in case of the ship loss, probably it will be implemented only in MiniMag Orion version, a century later.) Alsoas the obvious tendention based on the raising accuracy is to use as lower yield as possible, the same Casba/Orion things are probably studied for hit a ground target from top and distance.
  3. Any point is a line. Just very short line. Or seen from its end. Why cube is better than triangle?
  4. We need it! We need the New Clear Power! Windmills, solar panels... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecballium Ecballium to push the pusher plate, instead of nukes. Plant the ecballiums onboard (in Russian - "rabid cucumber") and throw them back. It will spit into the pusher plate and fly back. Pure ecofriendly 100%
  5. Granted. I was just meaning the Apple core to be thrown into a trashcan. Yes, Apple core... Not the Intel one. I wished, and I did it. I wish, this happens always.
  6. It's easier to say what is not in this soup. Beertender! A glass of vodka and beer together! And yes, it's a ruffe.
  7. Weevil, weevil... Rho Q!
  8. Your Yestingham Castle. Yesting Ham Castle.
  9. Are you really awaiting to see here a non-stupid answer? (Q&A 2-in-1)
  10. https://sachev-ru.translate.goog/tupolev_an_2/ne_kopiya_a_analog_o_samolete_tu-4.htm?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru
  11. Five *). In different circumstances, from storm to fire damage. Who's that? P.S. *) Usually, "four", but can't now find the link where five were described.
  12. Serve youself. Yes. Most of them. *** I wish to unbring the uneaten part of the apple.
  13. Do you prefer a pot of positive or negative ions, sir? Food bringer! A killed and fried bird, please.
  14. Kuz. Smell one gras for the beginning. Other grass smell alike. *** Obi Van can obey?
  15. The anion gets cut and becomes Cution. Cookie-3
  16. Robin comes to the fight, takes back his hood, and returns to Cher Wood.
  17. Fungi can talk to each other by electricity. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.211926
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