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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Because before it boils, the upper layer of the water is cool, so the bubbles implode on touching it. And then they explode only on the hot surface.
  2. Raise the selfie stick as high as possible. Why do they make selfies from above? They look ridiculous.
  3. He will if you pay. I wish to play Serpent Riders again.
  4. Yes, Where is your soup. Waiter! If your diner is called KFC, why do the chicken have a non-Kentucky accent?
  5. Because it's coded. Please, couldn't you be more specific? Is it a zipper or a Zippo code? *** Waiter! There is a fly in the soup. Please, debug it.
  6. Waiter! This soup is outdated. Do you have an updated version of it?
  7. Saying hello to every new page always makes things get upside-down. Why am I a sleepy lazy pig today?
  8. It was not needed even in USSR. Buran was a Shuttle mirrorring. A heavy rocket - Angara is made of URM standard modules. It can reach the SLS normal payload. Not necessary to use them, but it's possible to sell. The non-proliferation is a two-sided coin. Nobody wants this. P.S. Also Proton is a tech level of 1960s, it doesn't require complicated launchpad, and its production can be restarted, as it just stopped.
  9. First you need reaching 'Oumuamua. If there are jackals, are there jillals?
  10. Said. Did you hear?
  11. Master-class of web design for the freelance outsourcers.
  12. An illustrative evidence of hypothesis that the popularity of Apple products is based on dopamine reinforcement learning, rather than on actual advantages.
  13. I'm pretty sure that, unless something much worse happens, everyone will be glad to rollback the economical pressure as soon as possible, at least because ICBM are a tech level of 1970s, and there are ~6 000 (or so) nukes in whose wide proliferation no one is interested. As Angara and so on are actually the Energy's ancestry in sense of propulsion, just the manufacturers' race will be cut, and they will finally make a choice, whose rocket is thicker to be the only one to produce. As any lunar and ROSS plans are anyway not relevant till 2030 (same as LOP-G and etc), this will not necessary mean even a delay. (Avoiding a deeper explanation with examples of exact countries and their "unity"). But obviously, in the current situation it's hard to make some estimation of exact plans. P.S. Orion costs a billion of dollars, but it actually doesn't. The bureaucracy and safety measures do. The ship itself is much cheaper. The same about every modern spacecraft and station module.
  14. Thanks to Fukushima, the Mariana Trench dwellers will be able to glow in darkness and see their way.
  15. https://allabouteyes.com/see-past-fascinating-history-eyeglasses/ So, only in 1700s they first realized that the ears are created to tie small things to them.
  16. It's portable. Just by trucks. If B-52 is Stratofortress, why does it land instead of floating in the sky?
  17. Yes, but of what course? P.S. Also where do the croiss ants live?
  18. Banned for calling nunchaku a murder weapon, when it's mostly a suicide tool. The back side of the head can not lie.
  19. First you should download and install the last version of the car driver. Why were the OKI printers so noisy?
  20. Because it's the bouillabaisse. Fish wastes, crustacea wastes, sometimes leviathans. Waiter! Why is this thing showing unfriendly gestures from the pot? Is it a lobster-mobster?
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