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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. You know that Napoleon is a tart and has the only, linear tactics. One-way, unless it spent a day outside of fridge.
  2. The next question is: can you consume them? The default answer is no. It causes metabolic dis des dec illnesses (the limbs swell, the mood hits mud, etc). It was tested in 1960s..1970s. The best way you can use them is either a nutrition addition for cattle, or a fertilizer/edible substrate for more edible species. So, actually you can't radically decrease the total amount of organics, rotating in your life support system. (And it's about, iirc, 15 t per human on the Earth, including the soil humus.) So, anyway you need a tonne or so of organics per everyone. As you need same amount of dry food for a 3 year long trip (and anyway can't survive longer in zero-g), this makes the onboard farming useless. P.S. Except bonsai. They are funny.
  3. Connection lost. A Minmus orbital rotavator throws your capsule towards Mun.
  4. Capitalism is a cheating, even in letters.
  5. The men of Chelyabinsk are so brutal a local meme that even the rocket bolts they make are overtempered before the flight.
  6. You should read the given more attentively. It wasn't a question if we can cool a real body below the absolute zero. It was a question of the lowest temperature existing in the universe. And the vol. V of the standard course of theoretical physics is pretty descriptive in this sense.
  7. Bomba is "she". Not only. Everybody likes PowerPoint presentations. *** Does a powerline consist of infinite number of powerpoints?
  8. Banned because the house of usher has fallen.
  9. Floor 2670: Ticket office for the missile cruise.
  10. Replacing letters with graffiti is a cheating.
  11. Dolphins Dolphins in the ocean push the swimming Kerbals to the coast or even to KSC.
  12. The airport tug feels low and sadly crawls away. While another one is pulling the cage with the passengers who are afraid of flying and paid to be forced.
  13. There are negative temperatures as well, according to the course of the statistical physics. Because the temperature is a statistical abstraction which integrates properties of statistical states of the system elements (say, particles)
  14. This functionality is provided out-of-box. Just properly set up your settings. I wish Dune had all Martian geomorphological structures.
  15. Because the dull and promitive common people are too annoying to have a productive discussion with them. How many crows has scared @Scarecrow71 personally?
  16. You realized that Gilly is an Eve moon. Too late, you are at the Dune now. Everybody is giving me lazy answers }:( It's from mercy, Nobody wants to tell you that forgot to deploy them after hitting the control panel with head, when your helmet was smashed by a steel bar, when your ship had collided with a 20 m big asteroid, because your navigation system was blinded for a second by gamma photons caused by the galactic cosmis radiation. *** A rocket to LEO with a stratospheric balloon cabin as the command pod.
  17. You'll hear a music. Just try! What happened on the previous 2488 sky falls?
  18. Banned for not having a page autoincrement trigger.
  19. Ash to ash, hill to hill. Ash Ridge
  20. The castle is full of show-business celebrities, and their flame makes it burn twice per day. Burning Castle
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