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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The ability to predict the KSP release dates.
  2. How should he do that when the lounge is banned?
  3. The big one is harder to make due to local instabilities, and the technological chain should not be "restored" but "ready to use". Unlikely they will let ICBM industry just get gone even for a second.
  4. Shuttle got SRB to keep ICBM/SLBM manufacturer busy. And SLS has similar SRB.
  5. Why any "ism" here? The ballistic missile manufacturer will stay by default, and they will get paid contracts anyway. So, the solid rocket boosters will be used wherever it's possible. And there is not so many places for them except the ballistic missiles (not so many to be produced) and heavy space rockets. The technological chain.
  6. Watermel off. It was a rather bad piece of food.
  7. Actually it's a microscope shot, and the ship is a reflection, it's a cheating.
  8. Banned because the Dungeon Keeper company can't be dead, it's just awaiting for the Dungeon Keeper arrival.
  9. When the procedure is complicated, there is probably a little company next to the tax office, filling the docs for you for small price, and the tax office likes when things are done this way. Of course, they are neighboring just accidentally and the people working there have no relation to each other...
  10. Btw, I honestly wasn't aware of Canuck as a nickname for the Canadians till this day. I had heard the team name "Canucks", but as the word "канюк" is obviously of non-Russian origin, I was sure that it's it, and the team is just another one from the "(...) Eagles", "(...) Falcons", "(...) Buffaloes", and etc., so just didn't got a thought to watch in vocabularly, as everything looked clear. (So, probably only few people in Russia know this word).
  11. The sensitive ship skin full of microwebcams. And every sensor protected with a bulletproof glass and a steel lattice from the stones and arrows of the extraterrestrial nonhumanoid chauvinists trying to argue against our right to optimize their resource flows.
  12. And that's exactly at least one reason why SLS has a future, while SS not so obviously. ICBM and SLBM are solid-fueled, and their manufacturers need money to eat and stay able to manufacture. While the last kerolox ICBM in US was Titan I in early 1960s.
  13. Solid cloud of smoke as an abstract art object.
  14. Banned because I'm not a game designer for that
  15. Of course. Have a handul of sand into it, Don't be afraid, it's the spice sand from Dune, look at these worm craps around. Waiter! Are these sausages wormsages, or why are they moving?
  16. Depends on its origin, according to L'Hopital. Is outfinity bigger or smaller than infinity?
  17. As they have a detailed 3d model of the planet and the landing area, all they need is a wind sensor. Ae their ship is bulky and fast, they don't need the wind sensor.
  18. And be magically attracted to every fridge due to magnets.
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_buzzard https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Обыкновенный_канюк In Russian it's /kanjuk/ or /sarych/, both words are adopted, of course. https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/канюк (Probably, it's more a raptor, but I thought it's more eaglish, but in Russian all of them are stervjatniks i.e. hunting/gathering everything looking not owned by somebody, either dead bodies like a condor (literally), or chickens like a falcon.) Not that I'm a TV sport fan, but the name looked familiar. I believe, only local hockey fans could know exactly, as for others they are just "Canadians", nobody remembers those team captions.
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