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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The first mass unban of this morning, as we have to have something to ban for a year more.
  2. The old dirt becomes alumina. Alum Hill
  3. Now 2021 is officially banned here.
  4. Today Roscosmos declared than in Dec'22 they'll launch Angara with a PTKNP mockup.
  5. Does at least somebody have the unbanned 2022 unlike me?
  6. Ok, then instead of the 3.14ple, the dicoots are banned.
  7. Ok. Everyone is alternatively banned.
  8. Dozens? How many hours are there in a day on your planet, banned extraterrestrial? Btw, the s2 of resident alien is coming on Jan, 26. P.S, Btw, the don't click is not newyearly unbanned.
  9. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Орлёнок_(космический_корабль)?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru Why nobody still has mentioned the lighter version of the PTKNP/Federation/Eagle, being developed? The Eaglet. As the current PTKNP / Eagle weights 22 t and requires a heavy rocket which is not developed, they develop a lighter (by 5 t) version of it, for crrew of 2..4, to be tested in LEO by existing rockets, and possibly land on the Moon (with crew of 2).
  10. Banned for the forum modestification.
  11. Already granted. The others' wishes corruption is what the people do daily and best of all. I wish What's App had the Apple counterpart iT'sOk.
  12. They will have their own quidditch, with blackjacks and hooks.
  13. The manufacturing doesn't need just the blueprint. It needs exact specifications, drawings, various low-level stuff for the workers.
  14. All of thous. How many speed does it take to jump overmoon?
  15. OФ СОИЯСЕ! Why is the night moon so huge in the movies?
  16. Banned for endless "me" in the beginning of every word in your post. Be a little more modest.
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