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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. (Just noticed). Afair, they were sacrificing not the losing, because who needs the rubbish, but the winning team, as they had won the honour to be sent to gods,
  2. A minute of conspirology. Usually the docs and samples of something workable get willingly destroyed when the owner is not going to use them in observable future, and doesn't want to let somebody copy and use them either for somebody's own construction or for somebody's knowledge about the owner's possibilities and technologies providing them. The Apollo project was a simplified experimental replacement of Lunex when the latter appeared to be too hard for the date. At least four more Apollos were built to fly to theMoon, but were moonly cancelled and used instead 1 for EPAS and 3 for Skylab. (As we can see, Lunex was a sibling to the Horizon, a pure military lunar project.) The lunar race was run for a strange purpose, to put a flag, and finished also in strange way. The 4 last Apollo flights were cancelled because who needs that Moon anymore. Like if earlier they were expecting a diamond mine, so had paid for four ships more, but - OMG, what a surprise! - the Moon appeared to be a rocky desert, so disappointed them all and was forgotten for decades. Then the powerfullest engine in the world, F-1, was quickly forgotten how to make, the owerfullest launch vehicle quickly got out of need and forgotten how to build, the construction bureau (including Von Braun) was dismissed like they hadn't just several years before made them both, all manufacture documentation was lost, and a dark magic eliminated some sacral knowledge from the minds of the engineers, like if they never had seen something bigger than a petard. And all of that had taken tens of gigabucks just for fun, and was never needed or planned to be used in future. On the opposite side of the Pacific Gulf the things were looking also strange. Four expensuve N1 exploded but didn't stop the attempts to get to the Moon even after the Americans. Six Apollos have landed on the Moon, then made a sudden pause for three years. But the N1 was being developed and optimized, the finish if the Apollo flights didn't stop it, even when already six flags had been stuck into the Moon. A better version of N1, the N1F was ready to be tested in several months (still to become the second on the Moon), but it suddenly it happened that other four lunar Apollo flights were cancelled. And immediately the N1 program was cancelled, too. Even without a test of the better version which had already costed additional money. I.e. it was cancelled not after the first Apollos reached the Moon, but after the second Apollos were stopped from ever flying. The N1 project was cancelled, all docs and samples were destroyed. This can be understood as "we don't know if we can, but now we don't have need, and let's nobody knows what we can and what we don't". But immediately an epidemy of destructive madness possessed the American minds, making to completely destroy the successful rocket, ship, engine, documentation, dismiss construction bureau, and clean the memory of the project engineers making them to start singing the delusional nonsense like "We have forgotten how to make the things we were making for decades and see in the dreams! We have lost the technologies of 1960s and in 1980s we can't reproduce them again because we forgot how to read the docs and calculate the numbers! Poor, poor things we are, we forgot everything we could, and even didn't signed numberless copies of those docs in hundreds of offices before making them in metal, so we have no backup copy to reproduce our own work, believe us!" (This btw feeds the lunar conspiracy, as how could it be. Success, success, success, BANG! - a control headshot.) It could be understandable if US had in 1990s same problems like SU had, the economical collapse, the industry degradation, the brain leakage, and so on. But they didn't. Obviously, this looks like Saturn, Apollo, F-1, their docs and technologies were not just "lost" or "forgotten" but destroyed to prevent their usage by anybody else, in the situation when the US got ensured that even the Apollo flights were too hard, let alone a (military) lunar base building, so in several decades the lunar rocket wouldn't be needed by the US, while decades later there will be another rocket based on future technologies. (If they knew about SLS saga, they would bury backup copies of Saturn/Apollo/F-1 docs on the tropic islands and tattoo the map on everyones head under hair.) This looks more possible than the epidemy of silliness making to get everything just lost. And this additionally proves that the lunar race was not for the childish flag planting order, but to get first before the opponent had built his military base and monopolized the Moon. (If someone wants it as a movie plot, feel free to use, MIT license.)
  3. "Old, experienced kamikaze. Still flying and teaching the youngsters." (c) internet
  4. https://www-rbc-ru.translate.goog/technology_and_media/29/12/2021/61cc28eb9a7947f640a936a0?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru VTB (Vneshtorgbank) will invest 2 bln RUR (~27 mln USD) in the new project of Megafon (one of major mobile phones operator), "Megafon 1440". The own Megafon satellite constellation should provide the worldwide communication and internet.
  5. Banned for being a yakuza ninja. 1. You've just ninja'd me, making to rewrite the post. 2. You know Charlie Brown,
  6. As previously, the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerican_ballgame Like a basketball, but doesn't depend on the gravity. Just in zero-g make it bounce from walls.
  7. Got it. A Furry Comic-con is probably just finished, and you are still in. Yes, I know about the biokingdoms. It's not a pumpkin. It's a special surprise from the Headless Hessian. *** Waiter! An iPhone recharger, please!
  8. Il-40, the descendant of Il-2
  9. We should not forget Il-102 attacker as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilyushin_Il-102 Was under construction in 1970s and tried to reborn in late 1980s. But the sneaky 'Muricans dismissed all Sabres long ago, so it didn't succeed.
  10. No, because it's just first steps of the post-human intergalactic expansion described by me in another thread.
  11. Borg is fantasy. A commune of clones of several genetic rows with identical personalities arranged around the AI matrix rules. And the biocontrol of organism is unavoidable. Including permanent measuring and management of hormones. On the bright side - they will need no strange things forbidden for view of minors, but will get happy simultaneously together at once sitting around the table and looking at the Moon. (Thanks the manageable activation of biological states usually associated with the mentioned strange things.)
  12. Nature made humans, AI and DNA engineering will make them equal. Literally equal. So perfect that interchangeable. So interchangeable that no more personal attractiveness, love, or friendship will be possible.
  13. If made of 2 m thick armored concrete - yes, it's even an ark. A ship to deliver people to the Moon is much smaller than a city. Because a ship requires ~ 1 m3 per sleeping body, while the city - from 100 to 1000 m3 and more.
  14. The vaults for those who has no more time to departure in ships, as the comet is to close.
  15. Wrong. The Angara stages have done perfectly. The malfunctioned Perseus is a variant of the Block D upper stage, and is a part of payload.
  16. The gunners were dismissed, but were their positions in the salary sheet?..
  17. Banned for looking for spoiling in others' signatures.
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