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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Conditionally granted, if 1) There is at least one Kerbal here, 2) the Kerbals have Christmas rather than they are pagans worshipping Kraken. Granted, but now you need a crane to lift all of this. Thus, your wish gets recursively incomplete, as you start wishing for a chain of self-lifting cranes of growing capacity. *** I wish for additional week in this year.
  2. Many hills need many money. Hills of Money
  3. 2021 fiscal year is almost over, 2022 to begin. *** Venusian lobby in NASA seems having a serious support. First - the missions instead of Triton, now - the phosphine to fund these missions.
  4. It's a problem of the Martian life to take care about the signal smokes, let alone the fossilizable bones.
  5. Banned evryone trying to make a sense, as the sense either exists, or no.
  6. For deacdes. https://wingcommander.fandom.com/wiki/Kilrathi They have spaceships.
  7. Banned everyone mentioning Gordon Freeman but not having watched the Ross Scott's Freeman's Mind and Civil Protection.
  8. Absenth and Pentaborane. Green Faery and Green Dragon. Both are liquid, green (in bottle or as flames), flammable, and surrounded with mystic. What if use absenth as a rocket and jet fuel? Maybe it will succeed better than pentaborane did? What if mix pentaborane with absenth? Maybe the Green Family of Faery and Dragon is what's needed? A cocktail "Valkyrie" or "XB-70". The main component is the absenth representing the pentaborane. (The flames from the nozzle would be real.)
  9. There is no cake. And no spoon.
  10. Fake Cake. Kerbal think that it's cake, but it's not.
  11. Banned because I was forced to do that, because otherwise they would ban me for not posting it.
  12. If quickly bring the titanium pole from a warm room to the frost and lick, why not? Upd. He said "wintertime". Do we need to do it outdoors? It's not in "given".
  13. Banned for graphomania. (And yes, this starts a new page.)
  14. But this isn't to be applied to any other capsule.
  15. The shape collapses. Ball Hill
  16. The Germans call any road autoban.
  17. An amazon race don't need parthenogenesis, as they can just use specially herded men. So, the whole idea is pointless. The shamelessness is the key.
  18. The idea is stillborn. Who needs a dominant woman race without men to humiliate? And now about the leather spacesuits for Kerbals.
  19. "Caution! The fake, counterfeit Xmas toys have been reported in the shops. They are looking and feeling like the authentic ones, but don't give any joy. Please, be careful when buying." (c) internet
  20. Yes, Yak-24, too (just H-21 looks more Kerbal). I just try to ensure it's true, that not only the tiny Mi-1 was using gasoline, but also heavier machines. *** Also there was the B-36 jet which was remastered from kerosene to same gasoline with the pistons, so primitive and even heavier jet planes and helicopters can be fueled with petrol. (The problem with Kerbosene is its credibility: the kerosene is produced from oil, while Fischer-Tropsch gives mostly petrol and diesel, and I don't want Kerbal to need oil rigs, let them use what can grow or be produced from air like the hypergolics. So, the kerosene and kerolox I want to use as rarely as possible.) *** A while ago I heard about the diesel Su-25, but didn't pay attention, should reread. Thank you/
  21. Granted. You have bought this on eBay I hope you have enough cats for this.
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