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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Yes, it will. "matter" = "the person who takes care about mats" Apple. Google. Why not Microsoftle?
  2. Lava and water... Hmm... They should be cautious and try gypsum.
  3. Banned for prematurely declaring the nwe pge, Banned for making me make a mistake.
  4. That's what youtube is for. How did the matter of the Universe exist before Google?
  5. You say: Are there three chairmen in a space capsule?
  6. Iirc, they postponed that to the fiscal 2022, and this is from spring to spring, afaik. So, the first half of 2023 is also involved,
  7. So, it's possible just requires moar green powah to avoid the carbon footprint,
  8. Yiu'll never believe what Jeb saw, but now he lives in the room with plushy walls.
  9. Nugget chicken get grown. Henhill.
  10. https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-iran-dubai-united-arab-emirates-yemen-15630a25f448cb6100818286bc9c9de5
  11. Those who say that light speed is the limit, just can't into heavy speed.
  12. That's why we recommend our clients have a sit at the tables under umbrella. That's not a White Hole, that's a crow had flown over. Waiter! If this is a soup from swallow nests, where are the swallow eggs?
  13. The conventional explosives can explode, and a lower than 1 t nuclear burst like in the subcritical nuclear tests is possible (when they detonate only one of two charge halves to ensure that all other systems work normal without full-scale explosion). Previously - like a public toilet with freshener. But happily the sense of scent weakens in zero-G. But now they use better ventilation. And drill more holes when it's insufficient. https://bellona.org/news/nuclear-issues/2019-08-sunken-soviet-sub-leaking-high-levels-of-radiation-norwegian-researchers-say The partially redesigned aviation cannon has been tested on Almaz flight. But it was just a self-defence weapon to use it once if something approaches, not to be reloaded and used many times like the ground weapons are. The atmospheric grease would evaporate in the Martian vacuum, making parts dry and damaging the mechanisms. The Martian dust will do the rest, The combustion engines can't work properly even on mountains. The pipes and tanks are not designed to withstamd 1 atm pressure difference. So, Lunokhod-like things would be required.
  14. It's always bad to make 100 year long prediction based on 50 year long observations.
  15. No, I'm about almost any solid planet. Any planet would have gravity slightly (or significantly) different from the human organism is adapted for, another day duration, excess of CO2 or absence of oxygen in the atmosphere (2..3 times higher CO2 or 19% of oxygen instead of 21), some chemically active or abrasive components in the soil (if there is soil at all, as its a mix of sand and rotten plants), an allergic agent, another level of UV, etc. The human has appeared as a cognitive species already depilated and equipped with axe, spear, fire, and fur coats (they were invented by the semi-sapient pre-humans a million of years before him), so it's doomed/gifted to always live in an artificial medium, but can have developed the artificial medium on his own. Even the most trained survaivalist can't live wild long. He will anyway start making tools, fire, hut, clothes, i.e. reproduce the artificial medium. There are no "wild humans", except very unique in warm climate, and not for decades. So, any extraterrestrial habitat would have even less common with the "wild nature". It will be a fully artificial medium, usually in pressurized containers. If the 1000th colonized planet appears to be a paradise, the methods from the 999 previous ones won't disappear. Just a cost of mistake would be lower. An example. Does anybody care while playing KSP, is it day or night ouside of the Duna base? Just add more lamps.
  16. Gravity, chemical impurities, lack of magnetic field, will kill this idyll before it starts. So, only working shifts will be visiting the planet surface on request, and leave it asap. There will be no need in synchronizing their clocks with the outdoor illumination anyway, because many people on the Earth have night and morning shifts and live in the artificial light without any care if there is day or night outside. Also look at the Scandinavians, Alaskans, and Canadians, Even when they are pretending that the round thing with arrows, hanginng on their wall, means "day" or "night" hours, actually they just cosplay the time layout known for them from the Southern legends. Because of the polar day/night.
  17. I'm optimistic about the extraterrestrial clock and calendar systems. As the humanity unlikely will ever colonize a planetary surface (in the Solar System - exactly won't), but keep living in orbital bases and use the planetary surface for unhumanned industry and endless plantations of crops and algae, they will be using the terrestrial clocks and calenders wherever they live, because an orbital habitat anyway makes 1 orbit per 1..2 hours, so they will follow their internal day schedule, totally disconnected from the planet below.
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