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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. No, no, that's by design. Look. The 9-day week is actually a week with double Tuesday and double Thursday. This totally satisfies the usual "If the day had 48 hours!" desire. The Wednesday becomes a semi-holiday. This is a library day for academicians (idk, if there is such day in the English universities, when a scientist has a day to spend in library, stealing learning others' wisdom from books). It's a have-a-rest day for other nerds. It's a think-pause day for the ITs. It's a drink-pause day for the interested persons. Actually, the Wednesday becomes the top of the week, a semi-holiday opposing the weekday, dedicated to absorb the wisdom of any kind. And look: Wednesday is "Odin's day", and Odin was a deity of wisdom (let alone the fact that his wisdoms usually resulted in someone's death, injuries, or devastation; or at least in a stolen souvenir). It's a Wizday. So, the 9-week has a cyclic structure: 1 Wizday 2 Workdays 2 Workdays 1 Semi-workday 1 Semi-workday 2 Rest days More of that. In case of the 9-week we get 40 weeks + 5..6 outweek days. This os 4 x 10 or 5 x 8. But do we actually need months in such case? The month is a purely Moon-related thing, while four seasons are precisely fixed by the Solstices and Equinoxes. So, it looks wise to divide the year in four parts using the Solstices and Equinoxes as markers. 10/4 is not integer, while 8 /4 is. So, we should have 4 seasons, each 2x5 9-day weeks long. A usual month usually has 4.5 7-day weeks, so we can easily replace the "months" with season halves, each 5 weeks long.. And see: the Solstices and Equinoxes are perfect astronomic markers, but they don't match weather seasons. Unless you treat them as a middle, rather than a beginning of the season. So, there should be 4 seasons, with Sols. or Eq. as a "season top", with 5 weeks of the "early season" before and 5 weeks of the "late season" after. In this case: "Early Summer" ~1 May..21 Jun, "Top of Summer" ~22 Jun "Late Summer"~23 Jun..1 Aug and so on. (Actually, this more or less matches the known from internet "Celtic calendar", though idk how much is it Celtic, and why should the Celtic voodoo be cared about at all, when the Roman voodoo appeared to be longer and stronger, as prove Ivlivs Caesar). But anyway. There is a "half + 1 day + half" structure of a season, and of a week Just a season has "5 weeks + 1 day + 5 weeks"m while a week is "4 days + 1 day + 4days". So, every season is 91 long, and there is 1..2 days to be placed somewhere to adjust the astronomy. The middle day of every period is a Wisdom day, in most wide, primordial, and brutal sense of "wisdom".
  2. Aes Sedai prefer Panzerfaust. Just can't see them used inside a room. On the other hand, this explains why does their throne hall have no roof... anymore.
  3. A two-day weekend is necessary. The first day to drink down, the second day to sober up. The day-before-weekend (currently known as Friday) should be a lightened work day. Because everyone anyway keeps in mind that today is Friday. The day-after-weekend (aka Monday) is also a bad day for work, because some prefer to drink all weekend long and start sobering in bus. Better avoid important job activities on Monday and on Friday unless you wish for adventures. Also a lightened work day. So, we have fours necessary days. Once everyone has gotten sober and awaken, you do the main work of the week. It's "Tuesday". See, Squad usually follows the rule, the release day is Tuesday. The next workday after "Tuesday" you need a day to collect the customers' reaction and try to calm them. It's Wednesday. Then you need a time-out day to think how to fix the bugs collected on "Wednesday", the Thursday. Then you need a day to quickly fix thebugs and a day to ensure that the bugfix works, and the most nasty customer screams has gone. It's two Thursdays. Then you need a Friday because anyway can do nothing before the weekend. So, the proper week should consist of: Wakeday or Soberday (former Monday) Workday (former Tuesday) Screamday (former Wednesday) Thoughtday (an intermediate mini-Sunday between Wednesday and Thursday). Fixday (first Thursday) Waitday (second Thursday) Preweekend (Friday) Drinkday (Saturday) Postdrinkday (Sunday) So, 9 days in a week. 365..366 = 40x9 + 5..6 Four seasons, 10 weeks each, and 5..6 days of winter holidays.
  4. While you are hilling, others are clicking. Clickhill
  5. Wow! It's click! 't's click! T's click! Ts'click!
  6. What if the Earth is not actually flat, but just has a close to infinity radius? How would it affect the spaceflights and science?
  7. A half of the character arcs from the season 1 of Expanse were cancelled without any explanation because the showrunners weren't able to properly develop them. Later they were exploded together with asteroids. Game of Thrones had opened the worm can.
  8. Depends on what's the "year" close to the wormhole.
  9. Everyone, who is making the electric counter rotate backwards, and thus consumes negative power, is risking that the negative energy added to the electric power network, would accidentally form a negative energy bubble and turn his appartment into an unexpected portal into another dimension, through which the extrareality invaders may come in.
  10. I won't even google what is BTS so see no such terrible words that can't be spoken.
  11. As I can get from the English Q&As, the missile is not necessary "guided", but "intentionally aimed at".
  12. A professional survival instructor. The Moon gets really close. They start training the amazon rangers.
  13. A missile as a purpose, a rocket as a physical principle of propulsion.
  14. UR-700 is perfect. Boosters and struts. http://fai.org.ru/forum/topic/37753-ur-700/ http://fai.org.ru/forum/topic/37753-ur-700/?page=6 Watch the model pix.
  15. The diving bombers can fly everywhere. Because the diving for them is still a kind of flying.
  16. The Energy Corp. Martian project (as well as the classic Eagle from the Alpha Moonbase), and other horizontal landers, distribute the thrust along the length, to perform the flight more controllabe.
  17. Meanwhile in Wales... Llih Hill
  18. The geneticists should develop infusoria who gather the plastic particles and build homes from it, sticking them together. It will simplify its further utilization. If these infusoria also sinkable, it will cover the oceanic bottom with a thick layer of plastic, but it's anyway what noone needs.
  19. Banned because there is a whole thread here for the soup posters,
  20. Banned for having a whole Wall street.
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