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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Planting cherries today Lost my best piece of spades. Was bent from the ice.
  2. This. But anyway, Apollo/TKS have 0.4 Dragon is something like Soyuz in sense of L/D. Apollo was withstanding ~-7g on aerobraking from the Moon, Zond/Soyuz (from different sources) - 8..10 or 10..12, i.e 10+/- So, 1.5 times greater.
  3. I mean the "learning" from this forum, first of all. But anyway learning. Say, that the Orion is not just a kick received from a boom, and the bigger boom = the stronger kick.
  4. Banned for luxurianism and embellishment.
  5. Banned for the asymmetric ribbonning.
  6. It works. P.S. But that one was about GoT and Dune plots. (Just in case.)
  7. King's. S.King's. The Pet Cematary Hill
  8. Agreed. To bring the polar owl direwolf from North, purely ignorant in the royal palace intrigues and throw it into the snake pit of the South capital, insulting the most rich and powerful feudal gangs, to let this thing rule the whole Empire (as the Bob's Hand), was as wise as take the family of aquamen from their waterworld and place them onto a desert planet for better management of the most significant resource in the imperial economy, insulting the most rich and powerful feudal gangs.
  9. The attempts to find the simplest solutions can't replace the efforts to learn the physical basement of the subject. That's about the orion, antimatter, and many-many other things.
  10. All famous artirts were just painting somebody's walls for money to hide the spots on the plaster. Usually they did it not right on the wall itself, but on the pieces of wood and cloth to make the further wall repairments cheaper.
  11. If you had put the whole photo into the profile picture, it would look even more scary. But you didn't.
  12. I mean that every his book is full of attempts to describe arythmetically everything he writes about, and of as many exhibition artifacts and encyclopedic articles as he can. Actually, I believe Jules Verne was an enthusiastic graphoman rather than a real writer, unlike, say, HGW, whose books are usually balanced in this sense. I mean, if JV could join this forum, he would be puzzled by your advice. As it was mine, but that's why I can remember a whole heap of useless calculations and wikifacts from it.
  13. The humans can turn everything into humus, then eat as vegs. And the sea life is 10 times less in total biomass.
  14. They will explain why the previous theory was not right and start laughing at the flat-earthers massless photoners. As usually.
  15. Since XVIII the high society was having a rest and a healing at a spa, drinking mineral water of various sorts. Does it actually work? Yes. When you have drunk 2 liters of the mineral water, and after that pour in a glass of vodka (200 ml, 40%), the alcohol solution inside from 40% gets just ~4% concentrated. Like a weak beer, but without the beer impurities. And with already dissolved soda against the heart burn. So, having a rest at a spa, in a good company, with mineral water and vodka, means drinking 2 liters of beer with soda, instead of drinking 2 liters of vodka (because the stomach is already full up with the water, and the excess of vodka just flows out due to no room inside). Understanding that, can we say that the mineral water works? Yes. It worked then and works now. It leaves no room (literally) for alcoholism for two weeks, which is not so little.
  16. Banned for crashing even a single-staged.
  17. Banned for causing reputational costs.
  18. Banned for being unpunishedly not banned for almost two hours.
  19. Exactly what I mean. The last human would eat the last starfish.
  20. ISS & Skylab 400+, radbelt is a little higher. 830 / 10 = 83 m3 / piece= 4.4 x 4.4 x 4.4 m room. So, if it sticks in the middle of the room, it won't be able to touch any wall and keep hanging until somebody founds its mummy/ 340 / 4 = 85 m3 / piece. Is 85 m3 a new space luxury standard or cooks, stewardesses, and hostesses are treated as board equipment?
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