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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. But if so, what about the (draft/draught) between the windows?
  2. The Prichal's docking ports in video have caps. Probably, to open/close. On the pictures and on ground they didn't.
  3. The burger can be disassembled and rearranged on the plate. Pizza can't.
  4. Banned because I haven't mentioned the apple juice.
  5. Just another module docking. For the ISS crew - just Friday.
  6. 1/10 You are a road police camcorder and need watching the moving human samplings to learn. I know the word "camcorder" from the Larry game series, which I was playing because I was a human that time. Combo. I first mistyped "camcoder" (without "r"), then copypasted it again. Because I'm a human. So, I'm twice human.
  7. Banned for advertising the Apple iScream.
  8. Yes, almost 80 years ago. But a hybrid one, of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elefant
  9. 1. First rule of the high-altitude flights: "Never fly at high altitudes". 2. If you still have to fly at high altitudes, either make your wing as long as possible (to frantically grab as much remains of air as you can), or fly fast, be flat, and cut off your wings because the air drag will anyway break them off. I.e. do like U-2 and SR-71 respectively. Two intersecting clouds of values. The strength of different steels may vary by order of magnitude 200-..2000+ MPa. Also the strength depends very much on the crystal structure defects, and their concentration depends on various methods of the sample processing. So, ideally, in whole - yes, but practically depends on technology.
  10. Today in 18:25 Moscow Time)/ 15:25 GMT will be the part we love the best. Docking a new module to the ISS.
  11. Self-banned for being also humble.
  12. Banned because I have no powers, I just ate and have only weakers.
  13. The intermediate Stooge between the 3rd and the 5th ones. Why "cheerleader", but "handkerchief" and which one is a boss?
  14. Banned unless having unremembered it.
  15. Banned because K.E.W. sounds like Q.
  16. Banned because it's a current time in his galaxy.
  17. A lot of literature in late 1980s. By Carl Sagan, Roald Sagdeev, and others. (Can't find the paperbook with detailed list of literature, somewhere in the shed.) You can start from the refs in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_winter and from Sagan's articles of that time, he was almost the main apologist of the nuka-wintah hypothesis. The weak part of it is that the smoke is forcedly generated by smolder, while the smokicles descent - by the firestorm, which exclude each other. But the proponents calculate both together, what makes their models somewhat blurry. Upd. The book I'm talking about. by A. Barrie Pittock, Thomas P. Ackerman https://www.ozon.ru/product/posledstviya-yadernoy-voyny-fizicheskie-i-atmosfernye-effekty-31351745/?sh=oeWHuz-e
  18. Bannihilated by the (banned + unbanned) reaction.
  19. Unbanned him for resurrection from gone.-
  20. Just 15% of total. https://www.statista.com/statistics/541390/global-sales-of-plug-in-electric-vehicle-manufacturers/ Humans, too. I mean, to make humans.
  21. As "*" means both "star" (i,e, "astro-", "aster-") and "any" (as wildcard), all of them can be named "*oid".
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