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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Sometimes boars are so big that one can confuse them with a moose.
  2. If it makes you big, strong, and nosy = Steroid.
  3. Yes. It's for tea, too. Waiter! Please, a fresh fugu fish and two balloons of oxygen.
  4. The volcano emits light. Chocolate Lava Lamp Hill
  5. 10/10 You are a human because you believe in the IQ nonsense. While all of us know that the intellect level is described with one byte.
  6. Asteroid-A-Geddon (2020) is a cheap B C-movie, but contains several minutes of a nice anti-asteroid craft.
  7. A day without spikes inside the collar, because he deserves that by having proven his discipline. But fifty lashes to prevent him from getting pampered from this easing. But the lash he can select himself, because it's a an honour, not a punishment. Also his daily ration should be given to other Klingons to show his contempt of opulence. No land award, because all the land is Klingons', and the more land the Klingons have, the more land his exact family rules. No title award, because "Klingon" is the highest title itself. No medals, because the scars from the lash are the best Klingon medals. *** Richard The Lionheart and John The Good are guilty looking at each other, red from shame. It's so good to be rich and able to pay a ransom when captured, rather than poor but brave. The vikings agree with them, as the viking gods do this all the way. Good to be a viking god and pay a ransom. Bad to be a real viking, when all your hailed "gold" is actually a handful of silver and three bags of turnip. Also the pre-cinematographic samurai were originally poor but armed frontiersmen like cossacks, during the Japanese expansion from continent to the Japan islands, and their opponents were local Ainu, so a surrender was not an alternative to death. And a little later were dismissed by the bourgeoisie.
  8. Why at all is there a need to distinguish Mercury from Ganymede or Triton? Why at all need some VIP celestial bodies? Aren't they all created equal? Why at all do you need to highlight several celestial bodies between many thousands of others? *** The only reason of the "planet/non-planet" discrimination is that there is a VIP lounge for several bodies known since the Sumerian voodoo, which were being used for astrology for millenia. In the ancient times they were the only ones, visibly moving. Thus, they were used for astrological purposes. When people started discovering new moving spots in the sky, they started adding them to this VIP lounge. Now they have known many thousands of them, and the VIP lounge is overcrowded. So, the astronomers are fighting for the definitions, which astronomical object deserves to be a part of the astrological VIP club. No other need in any "planet" definitions. Stop astronomical racism! Ganymede is a planet!
  9. But the ony reason why Mercury (and for boomers also Pluto) are "planets", while Ganymede and Triton aren't, is that the latter belong to another planet, deserving to be on the classic Olympus.
  10. In game / in "real" world? In space / on ground?
  11. While the original, classic one is symmetric (except for the Sun and the Moon), and every classic planet rules two signs (and thus, houses), the modified one has Uranus, Neptune, Pluto which replace the classic Jupiter, Saturn, Mars in their homes and bring chaos, but at the same time they are kinda same planet, but kinda their higher alternative. And at the same time, as their orbital period exceeds anything reasonable in terms of human lifespan, they weren't required at all. I.e. the simple like hand classic scheme has been replaced with a mess just because somebody discovered those Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and decided to call them planets. The silliness of this way got obvious since other plutos have been discovered, but the evil deed already has been done. Like if I do. But the only actual reason the astronomers do their holywar about the planet definition, is "is it worth joining the Classic Planets", which are totally astrological thing. It's written "dres" there. Afaik, "dres" is a "tracksuit" in Polish, and a slang word for the street/school hooligans. Anyway, some kind of trash.
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiero's_Journey is all about combat moose riding. though it's a fantasy. P.S. I have a feeling that soon the zoocavalry will abandon this thread by the moderator efforts. We must urgently find out a way to link it to the ISS. Some kind of orbital zoo ISS module. Maybe a moosewheel.
  13. The classics But the mount isn't armed. The rider is.
  14. Why arm a mount with rifles? Russia must have small bears. The aim is not to kill a bear, but just remind him, who is alpha-predator on the planet.
  15. Too late. Finally, the nurse already has stuck the needle in his shoulder.
  16. How could he not have? Bears and so on. He was landing outside of the capsule, after all. 8 shells - 8 bears. And a backup clip.
  17. Of course, one may argue, but the best only good part of Halo are machinimas, rather than the game itself. The same with Gears of War.
  18. Christie's was good for tractors and tankettes like BT. For bigger things it started sucking.
  19. The very first flights of Vostok and Mercury are devoted to space reconnaissance and orbital intercepts (aiming the orbital targets and observing the ground objects). Vostok was from the same family with photospysats and warhead. Mercury-Gemini-Apollo were steps to build the lunar outpost (first planned by the pure military Horizon Project, several years before the first space flight.). Gemini was a part of spy/recon (and partially combat, if implement the Commanche-like rocket consoles from some project) sat MOL. Vostok/Voskhod, Mercury, Gemini were launched by ICBM (Mercury and Gemini - by the real ICBM), V/V - by the cancelled ICBM. From Terra with love. Without arm race there still would be no crewed program.
  20. Yes, we call our cook Brother because he likes to cook broth, but always eats it himself. Waiter! Why do all of you here wear the same name on the chest?
  21. 0/10 You're a neutron (up-down-down quarks), and need one down-quark to be turned into the up-quark, to become positive like proton (up-up-down). Thus your negativity will be taken away by the electron, and you also get an antineutrino for free as a promo-action. I eat the quark from time to time, so I'm a barion.
  22. They just stuck the rocket engines into the Buran's tail, so the Shuttle had appeared.
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