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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. They should just put a normal SSVP-M docking adaptor on the Dragon. Why keep showing off with the androgyny when they anyway use active/passive pairs of the IDSS, anyway don't pump fuel like the Progress can, and anyway don't pull CBM-sized cargo through the opening?
  2. But if take down all GPS sats, there will be several tens of places where it isn't...
  3. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/30/elon-musk-to-spacex-starships-raptor-engine-crisis-risks-bankruptcy.html
  4. If it's nuke and enough close to enable the antennas and to jam them with MW, it's probably already looking in the target direction, so the inertial guiding will stick it into ground enough close to nuke it. Bombs and reentry vehicles definitely so.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASSET_(spacecraft)
  6. The missile is designed to withstand EMI of a close nuke, while the MW emission would spread in a cone. So, the killing range would be not so wide. 1. You can keep them disabled until they get required. 2. If an unusual radiosignal gets in, the missile would screw the antennas at all and perform a direct hit. On a missile? If they get close to. But if a nuke has already gotten so close, it's late to fry it, it will just either hit directly or explode immediately.
  7. SpaceX put so many nozzles in the rocket because they believe that silver bells are a talisman, and the more many is more lucky.
  8. The asteroid is banned by the NASA absolutely peaceful anti-high-velocity kinetic intercept experiment.
  9. That's how the Courage & Stupidity works in KSP.
  10. Give the grey google to the grey goo. That was the purpose of the monkey upgrade 2Mya. So, there is nothing more natural.
  11. Thx. I had mistyped this for reasons, but now they know that we're talking about them... They should be crossed with flu to spread around, infiltrate in every human, and replace its cells with xenobot copies. After that the humans will be ready for...hmm.. perfectization? perfectification? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observation_on_the_Spot Wait... Oh, ... Can they into 5G?
  12. Possible, but makes not much sense due to the long wave length. The beam divergence angle (rad) is ~ 1.22 * wavelength / optics_aperture (the mirror diameter or so) So, the softer is the radiation, the wider is the beam, and you need as short wavelength as possible (preferrably, Xray or gamma). The IR emitter is used just due to the technical possibility, not because its long waves are in any sense good. Also, a microwave advantage can be that the mist and clouds are transparent for it, but also only for short ranges. Xenobots → Xenobits → Xenobytes Soon.
  13. Banned because I never include github as I hate it. In the best case I would include TortoiseHG.
  14. Maybe, start from something less fantastic? Say, a lunar medieval castle (printed from regolith dust) with trebuchets to conquer the Earth?
  15. Banned because it's unclear if "github" us pronounced /-s-/ or /-z-/.
  16. Imho, JV was more of data sheets and calculation for calculation. More a raw data collector than a writer like HGW. Most of his fi is just a sci-looking heap of gathered facts.
  17. Now they can track the growth of the recreational manioc. P.S. It's indeed manioc, from wiki.
  18. Banned for being a KSP player rather than KSP gamer.
  19. They found a city. Yuma Hill.
  20. While the SpaceY mod lets to successfully fly up, because Y.
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