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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by kerbiloid
Floor 4969: Mass-of-Chusetts Techninjalogical Institute
The whole odd world is cheating.
When you got the hang of Kerbal Konstructs. https://topwar-ru.translate.goog/243070-kitajskie-namyvnye-ostrova-v-juzhno-kitajskom-more-radiolokacionnye-posty-raketnye-bazy-i-nepotopljaemye-avianoscy.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp (Ignore the comments, as usually.)
The banned Machine is out of order.
Kalibr known ban. Unexpectedly, Kalibr means Caliber. P.S. I know, who is Kosh, but can't remember Heckler. Centaurian? Narn? Minbari?
Granted. But you need to be drinking hydrogen fluoride for that. I wish for pentaborane+fluorine engine.
When an explosive bomb explodes in air, it causes a spherical shockwave. When the shockwave reaches the ground surface, it reflects back as a spherical reflected shockwave. These two spherical shockwaves move towards each other, merge, and form a resulting shockwave which is what affects the objects. If the explosion (doesn't matter if chemical or nuke) happened at some optimal altitude, defined by the yield, the resulting shockwave is cylindrical, so its pressure decreases proportionally to the square of distance, rather than cube for a spherical one. So, ignition at the optimal height increases the total hit area for the price of lower pressure at GZ. When it explodes at some another optimal low altitude, the original shockwave needs some time to accelerate to hit the ground at high speed. Then the area is smaller, but the hit at the GZ is higher. Say, the Davy Crockett shell had two options of aerial blast. The first one was initiated by the radioaltimeter, it was to increase area. The another one was initiated by the capacity sensor at a half-meter from ground, to increase the GZ hit. To prevent stealing on misfire, the ammo is equipped with a contact sensor, which initiates immediately on hit. To cause destruction of reinforced structures close to GZ, the ammo (not Davy Crockett) should explode underground, so its contact sensor is equipped by a delay pyrotechnical thing, which allows it first reach some depth, then initiates. As all of this is combined in the same ammo, the all-purpose explosive ammo can't be shaped, as needs to cause the shockwave either down, or up/around. *** The fuel-air charge make sense only with aerial blast, so it's initiated at the optimal altitude. The shrapnel charge has a strong case behind and a shrapnel forward. When it blasts in mid-air, the gas expansion is stopped behind, and focused forward, accelerating the shrapnel elements. The cumulative ammo has a vortex, which is radially compressed, and then a hydraulic shock turns it into a melted metal beam. *** A nuke loses much energy by sending the upper part of shockwave up, and it can't be prevented simply by a strong case, because the case itself is a part of compressed gas cloud, immediately caused by primary X-ray. To focus its energy forward, they developed a special nuke with a nozzle-like thing, filled with a filler, and sealed with a tungsten membrane. It should focus the energy in forward direction, saving energy. That's how the Casaba howitzer began, and then it was turned into propulsion charges of the Orion drive, which appeared as a by-product of this study. And now about the Orion drive...
And still the only unhappy tribe wishing to return to the happy forest life, are bored urban office staff and hippies; while the former happy tribes, having migrated from the happy tree friends life to the low-life suburban reality, prefer to keep their new unhappy life. Probably, the happiness of the HG life is overestimated. The San still survive because they do it in the most poor regions of the desert, unappropriate for the more developed (and thus numerous) Bantu, who need pastures and plowlands. So, they are separated by lack of interest. Family settlements can evolve into fortified family settlements, where all citizens are relatives, and an alien has poor chances even to survive, let alone become a true human. The city is principally different. It consists of individual families, whose place in the city hierarchy is significant, while their family hierarchy is very short and doesn't play much role. Any urban family can be easily replaced with another family. All what the family tribal people can reach without external invasion, is a large family clan settlement, where everyone has his role, and is stuck in the family hierarchy. They don't need development, they are happy with primitive technologies. They need to capture more land, to grow or steal more cattle. If one of them has moved to a city, he is pushed by his family, and is pulling other family members, to create a family outpost in the city. Then he tries to corrupt the city officers to let the clan capture the city commandment, and then starts pumping money into his family clan settlement. That's the only way of thinking, available for the family tribal society. That's not how a city can appear, let alone the empire. The only way to appear for the urban civilisation is when some local authority combines an intertribal gang army (protoEmpire), cut out the majority of other clans (to decrease their need in fertile land, to behead the tribe, and to disintegrate the tribe hierarchy, making belonging to the clan insignificant and dangerous, enough to become forgotten), and let the survivors (together with the clans who surrendered) settle at the special places under commandment of the Imperial gang teams. Then the Empire must start extracting all strong/brave men from the conquered clans (by provoking them or by kind suggesting), by recruiting them into the Imperial army with no return, and by killing those who is enough strong and brave to rebel, but doesn't want to be recruited. Violence against the conquered women is the usual way to provoke and select the possible rebels. Also the best women from the conquered clans should be taken away into the Imperial cities as wives and mothers. At some point the conquered clans get dissipated and assimilated. That's how it worked. But this requires several conditions: 1) the Imperial culture must be enough developed to feed both conquerors and surviving conquered, and to feed the great amount of soldiers; 2) the Imperial culture must provide the Imperial gangarmy with advanced weapon (iron knives and axes vs stone ones, maybe horses); 3) the Imperial economy should be developed enough to mass produce food, tools, and weapon; 4) there should still exist a primal authority, like a famous military cult sanctuary, obedience to whom is unquestionable for the tribes of the intertribal gangarmy; also it's their military and administrative brain, central bank and storehouse, military academy, etc. This means that the cities and the empire can appear only in a metallurgical society living on a fertile land. And once such empire has appeared, it will smash any proto-empires around, because it started first. To become such empire, they should first become peasants rather than hunters, because the agriculture automatically increases their population density by orders of magnitude. So, the hunters-gatherers, co-existing with the agricultural society, automatically become a marginal minority, and either get assimilated, or get eliminated. The co-existence of the named Amerindian peasants and hunterers at one place just illustrates the pathetically low production of their agriculture. That's why any their settlement had no chances to become a city. Any tribal settlement is just a tribal settlement, it's not a city and doesn't have a chance to become it. Especially since the American continent and Pacific islands have rather poor nature in sense of farming. It was modified by hack-and-slash, crop rotation, artifical fertilizers, and the biota replacement (the earthworms, the cattle manure, etc), and it's either equatorial (so what's not in jungle, turns into desert) or mountains. So, it just looks like a green hell with parrots, but actually it's a swamp in a desert or a rocky desert. So, the Amerindians and the Pacific people had poor chances to develop something much more advanced due to low fertility of the territory, causing low population density, which was making useless or impossible any technological efforts (you can't be a potter, when your village is a hundred of people, and they use palm leaves and grass baskets). Yes, the civilisation never was a product of good will and kind intentions. But others disappeared.
That's why they're there. Actually, it's like reversed Pe-8 motor nacelle gunners.
It's a reflection. You are sitting under the TV set. Waitender! Why did you give me Jack Daniel's bottle instead of mine? Please, swap them.
So long, that I forgot why ban.
Floor 4967: A ninja, who has just ninja'd my wish from the wish thread.
Granted. Now you have to wear a bulletproof vest to surf the web. I wish to replace the timeline from KSP-1 cancellation to now, to make KSP-2 never existed, and KSP-1 developed these years instead.
Weren't several threads of interesting discussions on "Will be/is/was KSP-2 more alive than dead?" enough interesting to worth the puny 50 USD? It's kinda a ticket to an immersive stand-up quest. Or a fruit machine.
What is "sea level" on other planets?
kerbiloid replied to Themohawkninja's topic in Science & Spaceflight
The lunar sea level is the average of the lunar ebb and the lunar flow, caused in the lunar seas by the Earth tides. -
Semi-granted. You are Dvalin. I wish for a Nazgul ring to save time on moving somewhere.
India, 2016, military parade. https://www.news18.com/news/india/republic-day-live-states-tableaux-depict-culture-ministries-showcase-schemes-1194889.html It looks like they somehow knew, or at least were guessing right... And the killer feature
The bannest b'nday.
For Questions That Don't Merit Their Own Thread
kerbiloid replied to Skyler4856's topic in Science & Spaceflight
No. The Japanese and Islamic records are 200 years late, so definitely not from the witnesses, but from some other elder scrolls, or just from head. The record from the Chinese chronics belongs to their 52nd volume (which is too weird itself, if remember the fate of the medieval long reads, including the Chinese ones), and are in the raw with flying dragon riders and peasant riots having 2Mhuman armies, which is absolute nonsense for the feudal epoch of hundreds-thousands in the best case. So, even if the record is not fake itself, its date is probably of same accuracy as other "facts" from it. The 1054 officially belongs to the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liao_dynasty which is a dynasty of Kithan nomad conquerors, later conquered by Jurchen nomad conquerors, so it's a bit brave to consider the chronicles feeling untouched, when they were being actively modified everywhere even in more calm times. The supernova is said to be clearly visible (some say, even in the day light), so the telescopes were required to see the nebula (and it was done in late XVIII). Because they refer to the very doubtful (if not taken from air) date as to a valid timestamp of a reference point. By dividing its current size (d = 11 ly) by its current expansion speed (1 500 km/s = 1 / 200 c), we can get 1 300 y of its expansion at the constant speed. But obviously, in the beginning (first 100 y? 200? 300?) it was much faster. As it was found in late XVIII, we can presume that its expansion is currently more or less linear, with established speed. So, we can guess that the supernova exploded 800..1200 years ago, in 800..1200 AD, but its exact year and even century is blurry, but put into astrophysical calculations (its expansion model, also used as a model for others), and a reference point to date some historical events. In any case, they are always saying with so much serious face "it exploded in 1054", like it indeed did. -
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