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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. One chute didn't open, but the ship had insurance, and the prayers of the insurance agency have put it softly on ground.
  2. Yes, there can be just any thing in it. Cook! Two buckets of rum for the guys on the deck.
  3. Floor 4929: 41 Kerbal vikings sitting in a Skuldelev-6 wooden boat for crew of 41.
  4. Skullpture
  5. Goblins 1-3 are cheating all the way.
  6. Calling 911 probabilically. ... probabilistically... ...probabylonically...
  7. ??? Once it has reach the LEO, they can attach a booster and a brake parachute to it, repair, and launch back to HEO. By using the chute, they can make the process of descending much faster, so it will be a standard servicing procedure.
  8. Bamboonana Banboona A hybrid of bamboo and banana.
  9. Banned for thinking that banana is a tree.
  10. It is you should give the tips to the waiter. Kettle! Hot water!
  11. Floor 4926: Pilar Kerman, watching TV about the launch.
  12. True men don't wear spandex. Visitors Lake.
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