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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Not as cheating as being a hero of might and magic.
  2. Banned after crossing Brandyban in Hobbanton Shire.
  3. It's to keep it hot. Bartender! A crow bar, please.
  4. Banned for making me ban you, while I was far from banning somebody after having banned you previous time.
  5. Legend of Kyrandia was not cheating, it was just magic.
  6. Floor 4922: 22 hierophant Kerbals with Tarot cards. Also 7x7 apprentice Kerbals before them.
  7. Lenin Hills now - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparrow_Hills
  8. Floor 4920: A score of Kerbals looking up.
  9. Banned for riding a laparoscopic submarine.
  10. Yes, just add more tomato. Waiter! Some vinegarlic, please.
  11. Banned because I had read this book in school, and knew about STEN and Bren from it.
  12. Floor 4917: A stool, holding the launch door open.
  13. Mixing green & violet is cheating.
  14. https://www.ft.com/content/eb89cbc1-2cc3-48d4-9c8c-e2c10f2b2ce0 Nukromancy https://www-rbc-ru.translate.goog/business/17/05/2024/6647482d9a7947e6bd6b8bbc?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  15. Eating bamboo but not being a panda is cheating.
  16. Iron mountains. /i'ron/, not what you think
  17. Floor 4915: A launch ganfail, left from the previous attempt
  18. Everyone here but me is banned for not noticing that this is twindirtydozen page. or the twindirtydozenth page, if you prefer
  19. Hydrogen consists of protons and beta-particles, so it's a pure radiation, contained in a tank. Its penetration through the tank walls is slowed down by the low temperature.
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