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Everything posted by blacsky33

  1. here my wip on 2.5m ring inex (modular) this time with fairing for perfect inlline build.
  2. Nice catch MeCripp, a cmd module was inside .cfg , too much copy/paste maybe ^^
  3. Thx for feedback, i will take a look. i just made a aerodynamic probecore (similar to stayputnik).
  4. Really good idea, in my dream i would like to have 2 space center (cape canaveral / baikonur) with a treetech that can show two branch for each program(USA/URSS) and parts only available for each nations. In a stockalike version you can focus on BDB+FASA+Squad for USA and Tantares for URSS.
  5. I like the shape of venera engine and i don't remember ever see solar panels like those ones in other mods.
  6. Hi Beale, happy new year, i know you have a lot to do, but did you plan to make parts for Venera orbiter ? btw ur luna probe is lovely.
  7. MBI inex octo lander: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0jxjvnk5a5pc8vl/MBI-inex-octo lander.rar?dl=0
  8. Normal map for 1.1 will be a masterpiece your diffuse textures are already so good (i'm so jealous).
  9. here 2 modules (2attach point each) : first is my original design for fuel tank , second cargo to fit legs.
  10. did InterstellarTextureSwitch2 is include in the mod? Can it be possible to have a small tuto on InterstellarTextureSwitch2 ?
  11. I have done some work today on octo-can style, with some modularity. here u can see 3 differents ring-module = top:servicebay-cargo mid:halfsizefueltank bot:sturctureframe. I made a internal fueltank for 2&3 modules.
  12. @tater, thx for picture, it's exactly the same thing that i do. nice. @Heineken , thx for feedback, it's hard to keep straight ,maybe i should refocus myself on the core idea of the mod and see what i can do to simplify all this.
  13. WIP retro style, interstellarfueltankswithcter intergrated this time.
  14. MEMv0.1 = [URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/fkk23rp3u6iiwdw/MEMv0.1.rar?dl=0[/URL] here it is, hope u ll like it, plz , if u can give some feedback (cost, description, tech, error...) or just a thx, u are welcome.:D
  15. cargo parts are in v0.12 i didn't release them in v1.0 ( maybe it need some rework).
  16. Good job Beale, love this lander, i'm working on a lander too, glad to see different idea.
  17. yep, that the idea. but i ll take time, mostly for texture , i got mad at this.
  18. Some WiP pics of an orion (mk1-2) 2 stage orion service module for mars ascension , already equiped with rcs.
  19. Hi, i tried the last build with rss + eve + rve (w7 32) it work but i cant add scatterer to it. It seem there is a conflict. If anyone have a solution to it?
  20. some separator, or config tooglable engine when decouple do the job for smooth take off.
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