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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I don't understand. If you wait too long, selecting the toggle won't work. How long does your startup take, and when do you click it? A video in this case may be helpful. I didn't see anything in the log file
  2. KSP did, and still does, but it _is_ 10 years old. People do move on
  3. Good evening Mr. @Stormpilot. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to guess the next person to pop in here. As always, should you or any member of your Kerbal Force be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions
  4. And I wasn't even aware of that, good to know. But the button is there now, so I'll leave it
  5. Sounds like a MiniAVC.dlk, which would be solved by installing the latest version of ZeroMiniAVC
  6. Can you provide set of steps to replicate this, please? It would just save me some time, thanks
  7. Your problem is JNSQ. Delete the Kronometer from JNSQ, it's broken in 1.12 See this post for a patch:
  8. Are you sure you have EEX installed? Would help, as I always say and ask, to provide a log file for analysis
  9. Look for duplicated DLLs, some mods had DLLs renamed and that's been causing problems . If you find any, delete both by hand and then reinstall the mod
  10. I did, but when I saw the log file, I realized the problem.
  11. Can you please explain what the problem is? I don't have time to play guessing games
  12. This is normal, and has been this way for a while, since long before I adopted it GravityTurn uses Mechjeb to do the circularization burn.
  13. From what I can tell, the ones with it both are the ones where the packedVolume == -1, which means it can be manipulated, but can't be put into inventory. My guess is the idea is that ModuleInventoryPart means it can contain other parts in inventory, but it can't be put into an inventory on another part I'll have to add a check for ModuleInventoryPart into the mod, good timing, I'm working on it now
  14. From what I can tell, the ones with it both are the ones where the packedVolume == -1, which means it can be manipulated, but can't be put into inventory. My guess is the idea is that ModuleInventoryPart means it can contain other parts in inventory, but it can't be put into an inventory on another part
  15. Actually doesn't affect this mod directly, but affects what this mod does. Anyway, I wonder if ModuleInventoryPart will include the ModuleCargoPart, i'll have to check
  16. The problem is CraftManager. It is using threads, which Unity really doesn't work well with. In fact, he seems to be using some threading functions with coroutines, which will probably lead to a strange mix of code. Also, because of the way the thread interact, it's quite possible it will work for some people and not others. It's very subtle
  17. Just so you know, the problem is an extra DLL file, caused by the previous update. It's still there in the directory. When you do a reinstall without manually deleting the directory, it's left behind. By deleting the directory and then doing the reinstall, only the correct one will be there
  18. By hand, delete the complete directory for the toolbarcontrol and then force a reinstall. If it still doesn’t work, send me the log files, will look at them in the morning
  19. Reinstall both toolbar, & zerominiavc, and if it still ahppens, then a Player.log, please
  20. New release, 1.8.2 Added "C" button to window. "C" clears the database and deletes the data files assocated with the vessel
  21. I'll look into it Not really needed, since they already have the patch. Creating second patches is not trivial, and can lead to issues I'd rather not get into.
  22. @NerteaIf you would be willing to accept a PR (and two dependencies), I'd be happy to do the ToolbarController code for you
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