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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. What do you mean, replaced with a new manual version? If CKAN installed a good version, why are you overwriting it? And if you think you have a bad download, please link the file so I can take a look
  2. Perfect. I think you need to install ModuleManager. Did you install all the mods manually? Or if you have ModuleManager installed, it's not the current version
  3. I'm trying to find how out to know when the new alarm bar is being displayed. any suggestions? I was hoping for a simple bool, but haven't found one yet
  4. Win-R, then enter: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log
  5. Use CKAN to install your mods, it makes sure the correct versions are installed. If you are using steam, then you probably have some old files which weren't removed
  6. If you could provide a save file, and a complete set of instructions on how to reproduce this, I can take a look Log file would also be useful
  7. This is meant for people to discuss the new Alarm Clock app, and tricks on how to use it.
  8. Sounds like you have one button which does two different things, depending on how much it is depressed. Nothing can be done about it, sorry And no idea about the trim
  9. Yes, and update came out, which fixed a problem loading when one of the DLC wasn't installed. So it's quite possible this was your (and others) problem No need to apologize. but I prefer the Player.Log. It appears from the log that you DO have both DLC installed, so I doubt the update fixed your problem
  10. No. The COMPLETE log, not a snippit. I'm not going to waste any more time on this if you can't follow simple instructions Let me explain. You looking through the log file isn't the same as someone else looking through the log file. This single snippet, while probably the main cause of the failure, doesn't have any information about what might have contributed to it. For that the entire log file is needed. And don't post the entire log file to the forum. Find a decent file sharing site (NOT zerobin), and then post a link to the file. Dropbox, Google Drive are both perfectly fine for this
  11. I missed adding the SpaceTuxLibrary to CKAN, being added now
  12. hmm. Ok, looks like the same kind of code. It was 2am when I found that, sorry I didn't check the map mode But, looks like progress, I'm testing the fix for this now Looks like this might not be doable, I'm still working on it
  13. New release, Fixed partVolumes.cfg file constantly being appended to after every start
  14. The inverted mouse wheel is a KSP bug, will be fixed in the next patch I'll look at the mod on 1.12 Edit: I've confirmed that it keeps adding comments to the file on every game start. This also highlighted another issue However, if you don't change parts (ie: add/remove mods), it won't give the popup. for now, you can just delete the file every once in a while, I'll try to get an update out soon
  15. For some of that, look at the Honor Harrington series from David Weber, he uses lots of consultants to get things like that correct
  16. Ummm, this is the API discussion, for modders. Not for players on how to use it
  17. Just saw this, added the dependencies. You should ping me when posting messages like this so I don't miss them
  18. And yet, after this explanation, you STILL haven't provided a log file. Did you read this: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
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