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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Again, what point are are you arguing that I've disagreed with? I merely pointed out that there is a difference between the two's accomplishments
  2. so? One man puts satellites in space, puts astronauts in space. the other doesn't. Isn't that what I said?
  3. Ummm, you aren't saying anything different than what you said before, and I didn't contradict you either. so I'm curious what you are trying to say
  4. Musk puts things in orbit Branson doesn't get anything to orbit
  5. Well, the first line of the post said 3.4.2, I just updated the last line to say the same
  6. Actually, there can be, too many parts makes the editor slow during searches, etc
  7. I use Simple Adjustable Fairings - KW Rocketry Pack, they work well, look great, and are actually somewhat realistic. I was using this because I was running a test for another mod which required this. Couldn't figure out the problem until I removed this
  8. New release, Added Part Blacklist, will now ignore parts listed. Look at the file PartBlacklist.cfg for an example Replaced check for part called "flag" with the blacklist file
  9. List it as a suggestion or recommendation in CKAN, but please do NOT bundle it
  10. Yes, although the only thing that happens in this case is an error during startup. You may wish to check to see that the engine actually works, or you can just add the NEEDS to the existing part, no need for it to be in a separate file
  11. I found the problelm The problem is that MRS uses a resource called HypergolicFluid, but it's not defined anywhere. I suspect this mod expected to use the old EngineIgnitor, which doesn't use that anymore. I'll add a check to avoid any issues if a part uses a nonexistent resource New release, Added check for missing resource (if resource in tank/engine doesn't exist, ignores it now)
  12. That may be because this release is only supported in 1.12, sorry. You can try telling CKAN to allow 1.12 mods and then installing that way. Otherwise, at the very least, you need to post a log file (Player.log) for any help, from myself or anybody else
  13. What happens? I can take a look, MRS is a good mod. You need to say what happens, along with logs, etc. No blacklist possible at this time, although it would be fairly easy to add. for now, do the following as a workaround: Remove MRS Start KSP, get to the main menu. This will generate the partvolumes.cfg file Exit, install MRS Start KSP, ignore the message from Partvolumes and play the game
  14. Don't hold your breath, I haven't heard from him yet
  15. Oh, so it doesn't automatically understand other mods. ok
  16. What makes you think it doesn't work for 1.12? Have you tried it yet? Most mods which are compatible with 1.8 and newer will work, try it first before asking for updates
  17. Will this work with the various parts mods available?
  18. I've reached out to @YANFRET about adopting this, but haven't heard back yet It's a great mod, but needs some work. Also, as of now, the Procedural Fairings is broken on 1.12, causing crash to desktop issues
  19. Different calculations. Compare them, see what differences they have There IS going to be a 1.12.2, which will fix the AC bugs
  20. Does this replace the techtree? or does it work together with whatever tech tree is being used? Edit: just read about the tech tree conflicts
  21. If you have procedural fairings installed, it's broken in 1.12 and causing CTDs
  22. In a test install, minimal mods, this mod causes 1.12.1 to crash to desktop after selecting a fairing base in the VAB. There are other oddities as well, but until this is fixed, can't isolate those Log file shows absolutely nothing
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