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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Probably nullrefs. Please provide a log file in your post on the Crew R&R thread
  2. New release, 1.9.5 Changed Monobehaviour to be always loaded. Necessary to fix a nullref in the OnVesselWas Modified in the editor. Added benefit is a slight decrease in the time to load the various scenes Removed internal KSP_Log, now using KSP_Log from the SpaceTuxLibrary. This makes SpaceTuxLibrary a dependency
  3. If you compare it to other nuclear engines, it's in line with them (ie: more thrust = more heat, etc.)
  4. These lines (and otherslike it): PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'TundraExploration/Spaces/TE_18_DRAGON_V2_IVA' as model does not exist Tundra-ExplorationV3.0/GameData/TundraExploration/Spaces/TE_18_DRAGON_V2_IVA_PROP/TE_18_DRAGON_V2_IVA' FAILED: Cannot find model tell me you've installed one or more mods incorrectly. Looks like you downloaded a Github repo rather than the release. And if you did it with one, you probably did it with others as well.
  5. Then a new log is needed Did you install the ZeroMiniAVC mod?
  6. It's actually a mistake in a part file, I've notified the mod author about it.
  7. Hi all, Looking for a volunteer to write a small patch for me. There is one mod which has a few parts with size0.5 in the bulkheadProfiles line. I need to get a patch written which will change that to be size0p5 The mod in question is: and while I've contacted the author, I don't know if he is still around and active. So I'd like to get this patch written so I can include it in the upcoming update to Janitor's Closet (I've totally rewritten the filter section which deals with part sizes). Of course, if he does update it, then there wouldn't be a need, but I'm not holding my breath. The four lines which contain it are: Vostok/_Almach_Control_A.cfg bulkheadProfiles = size0.5, size0 Vostok/_Almach_Crew_A.cfg bulkheadProfiles = size0.5, size0 Vostok/_Almach_Decoupler_A.cfg bulkheadProfiles = size0.5 Vostok/_Almach_Service_A.cfg bulkheadProfiles = size1, size0.5 Thanks in advance
  8. @IronCretinThis mod is the only mod which uses a bulkhead profile of size0.5 and is used by only 4 parts The more common size is size0p5, and is used in a number of other mods, consisting of over 212 parts Do you think you can update the mod to use the more common size?
  9. Fixed. Regarding the title including the size as is done with stock, there does seem to be some disagreement as to what size some of the larger ones are. I will fix the following (since I made a math mistake) as well as adding descriptions to those which make sense: size0.5 = Size-0.5 (0.9375m) size00 = Size-00 (0.3125m) size000 = Size-000 (0.15625m) size0p5 = Size0p5 (0.9375m) size1p2 = Size1p2 (1.5m) size2p5 = Size2p5 (3.125m) size4p5 = Size4p5 (5.625m) size5 = Size 5 (6.25m) size6 = Size 6 (7.5m) size7 = Size 7 (8.75m) size8 = Size 8 (10m) All those other sizes listed in @Poodmund's post just weren't found in the mods that I checked. I'd be happy to check any mods which do have oddball bulkheadProfiles which I may have missed, but I'm not going to add a lot of unused sizes just to fill it out. Also, note that size0.5 and size0p5, while probably the same size, are actually in two different mods, since this is using the bulkheadProfiles, I have to keep them both The size0.5 is used by one mod with 4 parts (Vostok Continued, by @IronCretin). I've messaged the author who is still active, but I'm considering including a simple MM patch to change size0.5 to size0p5 If someone were to write it for me before I get around to it, would be a bit helpful
  10. I have replicated the Dessert Launch Site being listed as Shores in the main window Also, if you put a command module on that, you will then see the other sciences being available in the Here & Now. It's a common mistake to leave off a command module. Do that, and you will be pleasantly surprised.
  11. This concerned me, so I just manually scanned all the B9 folders (ignoring case): HL S2 S2W None of them show up in any bulkheadProfiles line. So I examined some of the files and found that: S2W is listed as a size2, HL I found were listed as (among others) size2, mk3. I stopped at this point, because further investigation is a waste of time. Whatever B9 names the parts, the internal bulkheadProfiles seems to be using the stock sizes
  12. Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  13. That is a compressed file. I would use 7Zip to uncompress it, but there are other file archivers which will work as well
  14. How about a log file? Description of the problems, with punctionation to make it easier to read and understand the problem? How did you install the mods? Did you install the dependencies?
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