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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I'm currently doing the work in 1.10.1, not 1.11. See the thread subject. It's good to know, and something I'll need to look at, but right now, I'm just working to get the same functionality in 1.10.1 as there was in earlier versions. Have you done this same test using the older version, in a pre-1.11 install?
  2. How long did you wait? For performance issues, it doesn't load immediately, I had to wait a little bit (seconds) before it loaded Same thing. How long did you wait? I have to add a filter to block that. ROC is special to Breaking Ground. What did you do to get the ROC items to show? I'm trying to replicate and can't. If you could get me the save file, that would be helpful How do you know they are unlocked? Edit: I am aware that clicking on the [x] button doesn't hide the window, working on that
  3. You need to provide a log file. But offhand, my guess is that it looks like you might have conflicting mods. See my sig below for info on how to get the log file
  4. New beta, Removed 3 .mu files, now having B9 do the rescaling
  5. Great! Thank you for trying that out Really? Clicking through onto what? In my tests, the only things that I could block were the in the upper-left of the editor, and the stock toolbar More detail, please. In the Editor or in Flight. I did just find an issue with trying to show two notes windows in the editor (it doesn't' work) but in flight works fine. a pic would be helpful Title is editable in the Title field at the top when the note is editable. Scroll bar is rather hard to get rid of, but I'll see what I can do. Right now, copy all. But that's a good idea, I'll change it to give the choice of currently displayed or all. That's the "private" indicator. If set, then changes to that note will not be copied to any other NotesInfo parts on the vessel Great list of things, thank you. Regarding the highlight of the Notes button, I'll wait to see what you are talking about. So for now, I have the following bugs (and one improvement) to fix: Can't display multiple notes in the editor, notes window is unresponsive. seems ok in flight In flight, putting one window on top of another causes both parts to be highlighted Change copy to clipboard to be either copy current or copy all
  6. SpaceTuxLibrary contains several DLLs, which I combined into a single mod to make it easier for people to install. This reduces the number of mods needed to be installed. A reasonable assumption, but not always. Well, once this is released, the main way to install will be via CKAN, and that will do it automatically. No, they are totally different. Never hurts to include both, and in fact, if you see a Logs folder in KSP, send that entire folder in with everything else. Some mods write their own log files in that folder. No problem, I hope the mod works well for you
  7. Ok. There were a lot of other errors in the log, I'm not sure what the initial cause is. I'll keep my eyes open for your next message
  8. Very easy to do. First, make a copy of the entire KSP directory: In CKAN, export the modpack: File->Export modpack In Steam, right-click KSP and select Manabe->Browse local files This will open a window in the KSP directory. Go up one level, then copy the entire directory somewhere else. or just move the directory somewhere else Once that is done, delete the ENTIRE KSP directory (see why I said to back it up). Then, in Steam, Manage->Properties Select the BETAS tab on the left Then, click the dropdown in the right, and select the 1.10.1 version (should be the first one in the list) Sit back and wait for game to be installed Once that's done, copy/move the entire game directory somewhere else so you have it as a reference. KSP does not have any DRM, and you can have as many copies on your disk as you want. Finally, use CKAN to add back in the mods you want: File->Install from .ckan and specify the file you saved it as in step 1 above
  9. Thank you. And a sequence of steps that are done, please. I know where it's failing, but not why, and it doesn't make sense yet. I can't load the plane yet, you have a lot of mods installed, and I need to only install those necessary for flight. Also, the plane you listed does not have the part attached, but that's ok, I assume you only have one attached for now Thanks Oh. You can't use KAS or KIS in 1.11, there are bugs there, as you just found out. I just saw that you were using 1.11 Please retry in 1.10 and see what happens
  10. Example, please, so I can fix it KSPLogger is NOT KSP_Log. You are missing the SpaceTuxLibrary, which is where KSP_Log is found. Note that SpaceTuxLibrary IS listed in the dependencies
  11. Is a known bug by Microsoft which they are not intending to fix. It isnharmless and can be ignored.
  12. How about a better green, or yellow. I want it to be visible so its not hard to find.
  13. I was trying to change the color of the part. Looks like I’ll have to try harder. If someone could recolor it for me, that would be great.
  14. Yuck! I need your craft file, please. It's working for me so far, but I do see one thing in the log which might be a clue.
  15. Yes. Also get the ClickthroughBlocker update, fixes a bug I found while testing this mod
  16. New release, Fixed issue in editor where a single open window which was closed was leaving everything locked.
  17. New beta release, Adjust output for the log, removing the 2nd dashed line. For writing log to file, adjusted the spacing added option to log current crew in every log entry Fixed error when searching for modules in flight and in the eirror Fixed error with multiple modules writing out all the logs for all modules Added check to not write log to file if no entries Excluded eva kerbals from logging code Added additional code to exclude comets, asteroids and eva kerbals from all sections of the code Fixed nullref in onCrewKilled Make autolog a per-vessel option Removed onCrewKilled Removed onVesselDestroy (temporary) Disabled MM patch adding module to all parts Added new part: DataLog Info Drive, this part does the logging now. Fixed saving of logs and notes to preserve new lines @CaerfinonThank you for that example, it exposed a massive performance issue when ships exploded, so I've changed it to require a part now
  18. It gets the list dynamically from the game, necessary because the available science experiments can change depending on installed mods. I'm currently testing on 1.10.1, I just tried it in 1.11 and it did show the EVA Science Experiment. Since the EVA Science experiments uae the ModuleScienceExperiment, it should be fine. The ground-based experiments in Breaking Ground, however, are different, and those are what I was referring to earlier
  19. If you are referring to the new science experiments, this mod never had that ability, since it's new. I will have to look into it Edit: The robotic arm should work, but all the ground-based experiments won't since they are using a new module, ModuleGroundExperiment. I'll have to work that in, will take a little while, there are at least 46 places in the code that I can see right away which will need to be changed
  20. That would open Pandora’s box. Stock doesn’t know about the mod, have no idea what would happen
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