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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Click on the yellow wrench, see if it's enabled. Again, I can't do anything other than guess without a log file
  2. Do you know which mod did that? This makes it harder, I'm not about to install Kerbinside, that will take up too much time. Have you contacted that author about this problem? Seems there may be an api problem??? I'll still poke at Waypoint manager, but really sounds like something going on with that mod(s). Those waypoints it adds, are they listed in WaypointManager? I assume so, just want to verify
  3. Already does, but I think I will go about this a slightly different way
  4. Most likely nothing to do with this mod, but would need to see the Player.log to be sure
  5. I have a problem which is caused by a vessel keeping the same vessel id after undocking and then redocking. Would it be a problem if the vessel id was changed? The problem arises when a vessel undocks into two. One vessel gets a new id, the other keeps the same id. I'm trying to preserve certain information in the command pod for each vessel when undocked, but share new information when docked. I'm currently using the vessel id for this. The issue is when redocking, since the original vessel id is the same, data which was supposed to be private to each command pod is shared from the original vessel to the newly-docked vessel. I think that if I ensured that the vessel id of undocked vessels gets replaced, the problem would be resolved. Thanks, and Happy New Year to all
  6. Regarding the mod Loading Scene Manager, support ceased when Squad added the their own method in the folder UserLoadingScenes
  7. The resources is currently not working, as you just found out. Sorry, hope to get to it in the near future
  8. Seems that if you specify the name of the transform in a parameter called cameraName: cameraName = transform The following is added to all parts which have ModuleDockingNode via a patch called MM_KSPCamera.cfg: MODULE { name = DockingCameraModule noise = false } so you would have to play around with the patch to exclude certain parts, and then add the module with the camera name via another patch. If no camera name, then it defaults to a transform called "dockingNode", i think
  9. Thank you for mentioning that it works on the stock system. I don't need the logs in this case. Just to confirm, it only adds 1 day in total, no matter how many years pass?
  10. Since there seems to be some interest, I'll put this back into my list of mods in beta
  11. Make sure you have the dependencies installed, including all for RTB. You HAVE to use the ModularFlightIntegrator which comes with it, you can't use the regular one
  12. I assume you are on Windows since you didn't say. OpenGL is not supported
  13. busy right now, but post the link to the log and I'll see if I can get some time
  14. Why? This is KSP, not KSP2. There are other Orion drives around, and what would Metallic Hydrogen give you? He would then have to add all the supporting mechanisms for it, which can be a lot more work than you think
  15. Can you try it in 1.10 as well, please? This is a low priority, this is a development tool, and as such isn't really meant to be used in a full game. I'll look at it, but not sure what might be the problem Frankly, there is nothing here which would interface at all with scatterer. You may want to contact the scatterer author about it. There is no patch which affects anything else, other than adding a module for it to use, and it only runs in the editor
  16. Probably not. I'd have to do some digging, but it's probably getting that from the game itself. Make an issue on Github, and when I work on this again I'll take a look. No idea. Please make an issue on Github
  17. You can forget about this, RocketSoundEnhancement has a patch to remove all of RealPlumes sound AUDIO stanzas
  18. Ok, I'll leave you to it. Not that I don't have enough else to do, DangIt for example
  19. So tell us, given that half of what you said was wrong: why should anyone think that anything else in your rant is worth listening to? How much time did you spend trying to learn the new mechanics, vs the amount of time you have using KIS? Is it possible that your KIS experience has warped your ideas so you can't consider anything else?
  20. If you have a github account, throw it up there, I’d like to see what you did. I was going to look at this tomorrow night, and I want to see why it is dependent on KIS beyond the inventory
  21. Great! Ok. Would you happen to have a spreadsheet of engines for comparision? Oh, great. I get to remove a mod from my install Thank you and @Karin for the replies. Greatly appreciated.
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