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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Probably some leftover debug statements, i'll get it cleaned up. Thanks New release, Fixed log spam
  2. Define "every time". Every time you start the game, every time you want to timewarp?
  3. Hmmm. I still play a game I got nearly 20 years ago, if not more. Came on a single 3 1/2" floppy, but is still a great game to play. Newer technology doesn't trump gameplay
  4. When you are maintaining 200+ mods for free, as well as having multi-thousands of posts in the forum helping people, I'm sure you will get things as well
  5. I'm working on a mod which will provide modular segmented SRBs. I'm having a problem with the fuelCrossFeed flag. The mod looks at all the parts stacked above the engine, and when it find a part which is not an appropriate tank, (ie: no solidFuel), it disables the fuelCrossFeed flag for that part. In my tests, I have (from the bottom up): SRB engine SRB tank 1 RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit SRB tank 2 So the engine is supposed to drain SRB tank 1, and not SRB tank 2. I've verified that in flight the fuelCrossFeed flag is set off on the guidance unit, yet fuel continues to be drained from SRB tank 2. So how can I get the fuelCrossFeed flag to be honored? I see that there is another field referencing crossfeed: string Part.NoCrossFeedNodeKey = "" but can't find any information on it Edit: I've also tried setting the attach node variable: ResourceXFeed false, no change
  6. What makes you think the haven't acknowledged this community? Just a few weeks ago, at their expense, the flew in 9 significant members of the community to ASK OUR ADVICE about the new game. Yes. I was one, and they spent over $2000 on my airfare and hotel. It was a great meeting, and one of the things we took away was that "they get it".
  7. I suppose, but I don't use RT. Make and submit a patch, and I'll consider including it
  8. @Thrimm Any change you could get the newest version into Spacedock? also, could you add a link in the Spacedock entry for this mod to this thread (homepage)?
  9. New release, Version bump to fix release
  10. Oops. that's the InstallChecker, looks like I forgot to change a string. You can ignore it until I get an update out New release, Fixed Installchecker string
  11. I am trying to make some segmented SRBs (also known as modular SRBs), consisting of an engine and one or more segments stacked on top. I am trying to get the stock system to make it work for me. For this test, I defined a new resource called SolidFuel2. Specifically, I need it to do the following: Allow the resource to flow between connected segments and the engine Not allow the resource to flow through decouplers, etc. It's mostly working except that when I stack one on top of another (complete stack), giving two SRBs in sequence, the first stage will properly drain the segments above it, but then, when they are empty, it starts draining the segments above the decoupler. I'm beginning to suspect that I'll need to write a couple of custom part modules to deal with this, but before I do, was wondering if anyone had dealt with this in another manner? Thanks in advance
  12. Looks interesting. Calling @Ad Astra they are using your name
  13. Does it happen all the time, or only when RCS Build Aid is enabled? How big is the vessel? How many RCS ports? How many Reaction wheels? System specs, please and, a log file, please What may be nothing to you is something to a mod author. Please always include the log file, since there is useful information there which is not necessarily an error
  14. I've adopted this, please move all discussions to new thread:
  15. ShipEffects Continued is a continuation of @ensou04's ShipEffects mod. Originally continued by @Galileo, he asked me to take it over since he didn't have time for it. Original thread here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103113-wip-shipeffects-sound-mod-dynamic-ship-sound-effects-now-released/ Previous thread here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161673-ksp-142-shipeffects-continued-1084/ So, what does this mod do? Let me quote the original developer: Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2225/Ship Effects Continued Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ShipEffectsContinued/ License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Creating your Own SoundPack: Simply replace the sound files in the sounds folder with your own, using the same file names. Format used for the sound files is .wav .OGG might work. Does not support other formats though. Loops are the best used for this. Make sure your peak db is around -6db, this ensures we don't clip the speakers. These are the default settings. Volume controls for this are of the same name. Please note that these settings have been moved from a config file into the stock settings page OnlyInIVA = true masterVolume = 1.0 rattleVolume = 1.0 vibrationVolume = 1.0 rumbleVolume = 1.0 thumpVolume = 1.0 stressVolume = 0.6 atmosphereVolume = 0.6 // Default is 1.0, exaggerates or eases the value that controls the sound. a higher number means Sounds will play sooner, lower means later. ResistMultiplier = 1.75 // Default is 8.0, how much g-force to simulate during re-entry ReEntryMultiplier = 8.0
  16. The only difference would be in the way the textures and fuel types get switched
  17. New release, Fixed range settings in settings page, to only show one of the two ranges to be active Fixed long range setting causing vessel coming into range having it's speed matched to that of the active vessel @neder please try this out and let me know how it goes
  18. Ksp 2 is being developed by Star Theory. Ksp 1 was/is developed by Squad No real connection between the two companies
  19. Does not protect, so there always is a possibility of them being buried
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