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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I've adopted this mod, please move all discussion to the new thread here:
  2. Unless you are asking about threads on a program. In that case, In computer science, a thread of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by a scheduler, which is typically a part of the operating system
  3. Forum user @Li0n is moving on, and requested that I take this over. original thread is here:https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/153319-drop-support161-real-time-clock-2-v111-29-jan-2019/ Real Time Clock 2 Back in 0.21 days @Jarcikon made a little plugin that display the (real) time in KSP, I asked and he let me take over his work, so here is the new version : Real Time Clock 2. The clock is visible in the KSC view, the VAB, the SPH, the Tracking Station, in flight and, if you own the Making History DLC, in the Mission Builder. You can drag wherever you want, its position is saved per scene. In the settings menu you can choose and which scene it should be active and if you want to use 24h format or am/pm. New Dependency ClickThroughBlocker Availability Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Real-Time-Clock-2/releases/tag/1.11.1 Download:https://spacedock.info/mod/2237/Real-Time-Clock-2 Reset License: GPLv3 Previous KSP version : Last version for KSP 1.5.1 Last version for KSP 1.4.3 Last version for KSP 1.4.2 Last version for KSP 1.4.1 Last version for KSP 1.4.0 Last version for KSP 1.3.1 Last version for KSP 1.3.0 Last version for KSP 1.2.2 Most of the credit go to @Jarcikon for creating the original Real Time Clock and to @Starbeamrainbowlabs for giving me the idea to update it. Original read-me by Jarcikon :
  4. Forum user @li0n is moving on, and asked that I take this over. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154901-* The goal of this mod is to automatize, as much as possible, the lights of your vessels (and of kerbal's helmet). Every part that currently hold crew gets its lights turning on Lights react to the sunshine And to depth GIF incoming... When approaching a distant vessel its lights will blink, sending you a welcoming message in Morse code Kerbal on EVA can toggle lights Lights can have a motion detector set up Youtube review by @Kottabos : How does it works ? Vessel's lights are divided into 3 groups : Lights of crew-able part : They will remain off until a kerbal gets on-board Lights NOT in the light action group : (and kerbal's helmet light) They'll go on when the sun's fall, off when it rises Other Lights : They will work as usual, toggling by the light action group This mod rely on the light action group to determine which light belongs to which group, in stock KSP you can change action group only in the editor, so no lights on all crafts already launched will react to the sun rising/falling. To change action group in flight you will need the mod Action Groups Extended, by @Diazo. And an enhanced support of the mod Aviation Lights by @BigNose, maintained by @MOARdV : By default its navigation and strobe light will get turned on at night using the custom blinking light provided by AviationLights, flash, double flash, interval. This is configurable, per light, in the setting file. The beacon light will stay off until you push the throttle, acting as a real warning light And it now support Kerbal Electric (a set of tweak-able and very cool lights) : How to modify how it works ? Most of the function can be disabled, or tweaked, directly from the in-game settings screen : There's also some extra option for the Morse Code message. Due to limitation of the stock settings menu (or limitation to my modding skill :p ) it's a bit tricky to access it : in the settings screen enable the "More Morse Settings", hit accept, twice, and you got it. Here you can change the morse message send by distant vessel as you approach them. And the timing for the different symbol (they are sync to the dit duration unless you check manual timing). What is needed ? ModuleManager is the only dependency, all credits go to @ialdabaoth and @sarbian Know issues : Lights on kerbal's helmet don't turn on/off as the sun rises/falls. Lights will be turned on if the kerbal disembark in the dark but status of the sunlight won't be checked after that. The range sphere of the Motion Detector is offset from the light position only for the stock light, for others the sphere center is at the light position. What to do if it doesn't work ? Report it to Github or on this thread. Dependencies ModuleManager ClickThroughBlocker Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2236/Crew Light Relit Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/CrewLight License: MIT
  5. To preserve your craft, install the mod and then remove the DLL file in the plugin directory
  6. Quite true, and I totally agree. So what is your problem with a pre-alpha view of a UI which is not release-worthy, not fully polished, etc?
  7. I ran into a small issue with a part with embedded sepratron motors. When first placing the part things are fine, but as soon as a different varient is chosen the effects for the sepratron motors start being shown continuously in the editor. I'm not sure this is a bug or something I did wrong, any ideas?
  8. No, I don't prefer to work that way. Generally, I prefer to have someone clone the repo, and then push their changes in a PR. This gives me a chance to review the code before merging, or, if I am not comfortable, I can merge it into a branch and test it. Generally, this has worked well for me, and I think that I've only had one or two merges in the past several years which I had to revert because of issues I do this when working on other repos as well. Keeps things cleaner
  9. Not gonna happen on stock Great idea for a mod
  10. They have already stated that there would not be an FTL drive in the stock game
  11. You have a lot of complaints, but don't provide any real information. You mentioned something about Tweakable Everything, it's quite possible that both mods together have an incompatibility. Please provide a log file along with reports like these, so that myself and others have a chance at figuring out what happened. Also, which mod is the "Bobcat" from, the only one I'm aware of is extremely old
  12. Anybody know what's happened to @Papa_Joe? He hasn't been on since March. There are a few mods he supports (such as this) which either are in , or will need of a recompile
  13. Absolutely. It's been stable for a while, there were a number of improvements and refactoring which was done a while ago
  14. It should just install and work. There is no source in the download for this
  15. No, no, and no. I have donated one of my kidneys to a total stranger. I have hiked on both sides of the continental divide. I have been a submarine.
  16. Like you, I am not a designer I am a developer. I actually asked somebody else to make the new models. Good to see you back hope you stick around for a while.
  17. Minor update, Fixed nullref when going into editor with no vessels around I was testing another mod under development and started getting nullrefs in the editor. Turned out this was an edge case, and could be ignored, but always better to have these things fixed
  18. Once you have the file, you have to then put the new data into the cfg file, it won't be done automatically
  19. I've finished the adoption of this mod, new thread here: Please move all discussion to the new thread
  20. user @Li0n has left the scene and asked that I take this mod over. Original thread here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/171900-dro Antenna-Helper New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController Ever wonder what all the antennas you put on your craft, because they look so cool, actually do ? How far can you go with them ? How many science you'll be able to send back when you get there ? It's easy ! Just multiply the power of your strongest antenna with the result of the division of the sum of all your antenna's power by the power of the strongest antenna raised by their average weighted combinability exponent. This will give you the antenna power of your spacecraft, now calculate the root square of this number multiplied by the DSN power, it will give you your maximum range. So simple. OR You could use Antenna Helper to do all that, and more, for you. Ok, but what does it do ? It will show you the antenna capability of your active vessel in flight, in the editor and of all vessels in the tracking station. In flight ? Click the Antenna Helper icon on the toolbar : And you should see something close to that : The top line, in bold, show the signal strength of the whole CommNet path between your vessel and the DSN. Each button beneath it is a link in this path. Clicking on the Potential Relays button will expand the window to show all the in-flight relays : You can click on every link to display some info about both vessel (or DSN) and about the link it-self : Now take a look at : The Map-View A big circle has appeared ! Centered on the vessel or DSN your directly connected to (the first link of the main window), it helps visualize the range and signal decay of your active connection. While your ship is in the green circle its signal strength will be clamped between 100 and 75%, in the yellow circle between 75 and 50%, in the orange circle between 50 and 25%, in the red circle between 25 and 0%. And if you're outside the red circle you don't have any connection. With this new window (show it-self only in the map-view) : You can choose between different sources to show your potential range and signal strength : You mentioned the editor ? Yep. That's nice to see "on live" where you can go with your space probe but it's even better to know before launch how far you can travel. In the VAB (or SPH) click the Antenna Helper icon on the app launcher : It brings this window : Lots of info here, let's go through them from top to bottom : Selected type : which antennas are taking into account to compute the vessel antenna power. Direct (by default) will use all antennas, Relay will use only the antenna with relay capability. Current target : the range of your ship's antenna is determined by the antenna power of its target, which can be the DSN or a relay. By default the selected target is the DSN. You can change the target by clicking on Pick A Target. (more about it below) Status : a quick explanation about which antenna on your craft will actually be used in flight. Power : the antenna power of your vessel. Max Range : the maximum distance between your vessel and the target after which you'll lose the connection. Depend on the power of your vessel and the power of the target. Max Distance At 100% : the distance between your vessel and the target after which your signal strength will start to decay. Color bar : it works with the Max Distance At 100% and the Max Range distance. The number aligned with the black bars separating the colors indicate the distance at which the signal decay. Example from the pic above : between 2 050 205 945m and 51 662 800 363m, your signal strength will vary from 100% to 75%. So the target is important ? Of course, one antenna on its own don't do anything. It must be connected to another antenna, can't compute maximum range or signal strength with only one antenna. Two type of target : the DSN (Deep Space Network) : it's the (very) big antenna on Kerbin. It has three levels with different power, you upgrade from one to another by upgrading the Tracking Station. relay(s) : those are vessels you build yourself, two condition need to be meet : having at least one antenna with relay capability and setting the vessel type to "Relay". You can simulate all those connection directly from the editor : Click the Pick A Target button : From here you can select a different DSN level, your current level is in bold and is selected by default. For simulating against in-flight relay hit the In-Flight Ships button : In this window you should see one button per flying vessel with its name and its antenna relay power, important distinction, when your connection is going through a relay only the relay antenna of this relay will be used. Sound obvious but... So if your building a relay make sure your selected type, in the main window, is set to RELAY. Speaking of building relays, you may want to simulate the antenna range of a relay before you launch it. To do so you need to add your ship/relay to the Antenna Helper Editor Ship List. Just open your vessel in the editor and click on Add Ship to the Target List in the main window. After which you can click on Editor Ships in the Pick A Target window : It works the same way as the in-flight relay list, the number between parenthesis is still the antenna relay power. But what all those numbers really mean ? They are, mostly, just distance. At a solar system scale. So big distance, like space-travel distance (we're playing a space program game, are we not ?). Anyway, to help figuring out what does numbers represent you'll find this window, by clicking on Signal Strength / Distance in the main window : In it you'll see what signal strength to expect for a distance equal to the minimum and maximum distance between the home body (Kerbin), its moon(s) and all the others planet on the solar system. Keep in mind that those distance are approximate, specially for celestial body with an highly inclined orbit. You can check the distance used by hovering your mouse on the celestial body name. In the same window you can check the signal strength to expect at any given distance, write it in the input box at the bottom of the window and click the Math ! button. Still don't get a clear representation of what those space-travel distance mean ? Save your ship in the Antenna Helper Editor Ship List, click the Add Ship to the Target List button in the main window. Quit the editor and open up the Tracking Station. Tracking Station ? Yummy ! Yes it's good. Fire Antenna Helper : From there if you select a vessel in the Tracking Station list you'll see its range circles just like in flight. You can check the range for the active connection, the DSN connection and for all relay in flight by selecting it in the GUI. To check the range of a vessel saved in the Editor click the Editor Ship List button. Now you can see the range and the signal strength of your future vessel for the different connection type. The number between parenthesis is the total antenna power of your vessel, as opposed to the Ship List in the Editor that show the relay power. Sounds awesome but I don't want/need X feature ? In the Advanced Settings menu you'll find a tab for Antenna Helper. Here you can disable the mod per scene, choose to use Blizzy/LinuxGuruGamer toolbar instead of stock, and, set the refreshing speed for the flight UI, in case it slow your game. About the mod Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1730/Antenna Helper?ga=+3102+'kerbal+space+program'> Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Antenna-Helper License: MIT Previous KSP version : Last release for KSP 1.5.1 Last release for KSP 1.4.3 Last release for KSP 1.4.2 Last release for KSP 1.4.0 Last release for KSP 1.3.1 It is localized in Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Spanish, German and French. It should be compatible with every mods, except RemoteTech and Kerbalism Credits The idea for an in-game calculator is from this thread by @Tyko. Thanks to @Poodmund for his google doc's calculator, and for the help he provide to this mod, and to the KSP wiki; Thanks to @Skalou for his help with the math Thanks to @wile1411 for his bugs reports and suggestions. Thanks to @Wyzard for his several bug fixes Thanks to the translators : Japanese version : @EBOSHI, @COLOT and @anarog_1 Simplified Chinese : @CN_Warren Spanish : @fitiales Russian : @AlexALX German : @woeller Antenna Helper icon/logo made by myself with assets from FlatIcon by Freepik.
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