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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. They gimbel quite a bit in the fixed models. I was very happy to see that you renamed them. Sorry about forgetting, too many mods to keep track of
  2. Were you aware that I've had all those nuclear engines from Porkjet available in the following mod for a long time now? In fact, I have the entire mod Atomic Age here, and updated (ie: gimbels have been fixed): I was confused when I saw the Atomic Lightbulb in a game and I knew I hadn't installed my mod. I did notice that you made your version of the Lightbulb a 1.875m engine and adjusted the stats, while mine is 2.5. Edit: I just looked and it seems that the gimbeling is still broken in your models of the LightBulb and the Candle. Feel free to grab the models from RecycledParts Finally, I see two copies of the Candle in the editor in the parts list, not sure what's going on with that
  3. No, it's hardcoded to always be there. Thinking about it, I'll see if I can hide it if Blizzy isn't installed, but there are issues with doing that, so I don't know if I will do it.
  4. Again, nothing to do with lift. It goes right-side up in order to be able to jettison the external tank into a decaying orbit, without running into it again. The altitude is so high at that point, there is no lift
  5. New release, Thanks to @leatherneck6017 for these fixes: Fix several bulkhead size errors
  6. Being upside down has nothing to do with lift. It had two reasons: 1. First, it was so the pilots had a view of the ground, giving them a frame of reference 2. In the event of an abort, they would do a simple flip to be able to get back to the space center
  7. Having an odd problem. I'm working on the OSE Workshop, which sets alarms. The alarms it sets are of type: AlarmTypeEnum.Raw The problem I'm seeing is minor, but annoying. KAC reports the following error, on screen: Stored VesselID no longer exists What can I do to avoid this error message? Edit: I found the problem, the code wasn't setting the id, it's now working
  8. Then your guess would be wrong. You can clearly see that at liftoff the shuttle is moving sideways and up, not straight up. At T-7 seconds the main engines ignite, and the whole stack sways forward a bit, then back and when it is perfectly vertical, the boosters ignite. You can clearly see it in this video:
  9. Great. CKAN only thinks it’s good up to 1.5.9
  10. New beta, Fixed issue where damage was being applied to packed workshop pods https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Workshop/releases/tag/
  11. It probably works in 1.6.1 without any changes
  12. You should download notepad plus plus or another editor more suited for this. Tthe problem you're seeing is that there are unix lines and non Unix lines in there and getting mixed up and notepad doesn't know have to deal with it properly
  13. Strange. No other ideas here. Did you look at the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file to see if the changes are there?
  14. True, but be sure you actually saved the file. Some editors won't save it without an explicit command.
  15. Silly question, but you ARE restarting the game after editing the files, yes?
  16. New beta, Added missing initialization of the Blueprint when loading WorkshopItem from config node Fixed processing of recipies while in a different scene Fixed KAC alarm time for recycling
  17. Leave the rock at it's Ap, circularize the orbit. That's cheap. Then leave orbit at an appropriate time
  18. No. It's a bit harder, but you can time it right. For example: Get your ship into a circular orbit at approximately the Pe altitude Wait until your ship is at the Pe, just ahead of the asteroid (ie: less than one orbit away) Burn into the asteroid's orbit, just a bit slower than the asteroid. Wait for it to catch up to you. Match velocities and Rendezvous with it
  19. Actually, that might be ideal. If you launch and rendezvous with the asteroid while in LKO, and then leave the asteroid when at the AP, you would need very little dV to get to escape speed. Yes, you need to do the rendezvous, and will need a bit more dV to do that, but that will leave your ship with a lot of useful dV once it leaves the asteroid
  20. The answer to both questions is, in the config file. Take a look at some of the existing command pods and you will see a section called module command and there would also be another section called module science experiment
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