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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I appreciate the comments. I'm not sure where this goes, which is why I threw out the question. If it was for simple stuff, then there should be a limit as to what it should be able to make; ie: no rocket engines, for example. But the way it is now, it's limited by the largest empty KIS container available. I suppose one way to approach this is to have a primary and a secondary configuration. The primary would be as it is now, but an alternate set of configs/patches could change it into what I'm asking about. I'm somewhat familiar with EL, having watched it on Twitch a lot. But I don't know what GC is.
  2. One or two extra parts isn't going to make/break the frame rate. I appreciate the comments, haven't yet decided what to do
  3. MagicDataTransmitter is a module added at runtime to the vessel. It's very odd, it should only try to remove it if it exists. I'm suspecting that for some reason, the vessel.rootPart.Modules is null. Try this zip, it has a couple of extra checks for nulls. It's the complete mod, but all you really need is the dll https://www.dropbox.com/s/acw2s0astz17pya/ScienceAlertBeta.zip?dl=0 Please let me know how it goes Actually, it starts to make sense. Please upload the craft file so I can look at it. I need it as it is failing
  4. Point me to the code where it interfaces with when you have some time. I'll take a look to make sure that nothing I do will cause you any issues
  5. I have no idea what those are :-) I'm closing in on a full release of OSE, just waiting for some feedback on a couple of ideas and one piece of functionality I'm working on. When I'm done, I'll have to take a look at Pathfinder, it's been a long time since I last looked at it.
  6. This is still hazy, I'm looking for ideas. So what I'm thinking of is to replace the Chemical Workshop with a Recycler, and removing the recycling function from the other two. I'll also be changing the models around, I think the one with gears is more suited for a recycler. What I'd like to do then, is to have the Ore Processing as a later addition to the AI Core module. Alternatively, I could just make each model have one function: 3D Printing (using the AI Core model) Recycling (using the current model for the 3D Printing Lab) Ore Processing (using the current model for the Chemical Workshop) To my mind, this makes more sense, each part having a specific function. I realize this is a significant change, so before I do anything, I'd like input
  7. When packed, it won't be usable, it would have to be unpacked. Think of it as packing for acceleration of a launch I also just noticed that the patches for engines, alternator & transmitters aren't working, so the build time is way too low for them Another thought: It doesn't seem right that the same module will both print parts AND recycle. Would it make sense to split those functionalities out into different parts?
  8. What do you all think about having the modules be in a "travel" mode when first launched. I'm not sure it's worth it, but the idea would be that you would have to unpack it first (using a PAW button) before being able to use it.
  9. New release, Fixed PreLaunch check to allow opening if noLocalRecycling is false Updated settings description of noLocalRecycling Added tooltip to the noLocalRecycling Added to the TODO list, is to show a message if no local processing is allowed when those buttons are clicked @Horus this should fix your problem, although if you tried it away from the launch site, it would have worked.
  10. Check your settings. I'm guessing you are trying to open them on the launchpad or runway, and there is a new setting called "No local recycling", if it's true, then neither will open. I should change the name to better reflect what is happening Well, I just tested, and there IS something wrong
  11. New beta, Removed disabling of KIS Change output resource of Workshop Chemical to MaterialKits Changed tech required for Chem wk to Advanced Science Tech Commented out the FlagDecal in the Chemical and 3D printing lab (not doing anything) Moved MM patches into their own directory Moved the part recipes out of the MM_Workshop.cfg and into the OSE_PartRecipes.cfg file Added option to disallow either the workshop or recycler from working while landed at any of the stock launch sites Added an overall time multiplier Added tooltips to the multiplier fields in the setting screen Added Complexity value to recipes (not yet implemented) You MUST use KIS 1.18 https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Workshop/releases/tag/ I'm closing in on the end. Barring any significant bugs, the only thing I still need to do is implement the Complexity value.
  12. True, but that would apply anyway. Recycling is always going to be faster than printing.
  13. I'm going to be revising the descriptions and titles of the workshops to differentiate them. And will probably rename the Chemical, but will not rename the part in order to maintain compatibility with existing craft files. I figure that the 3D Printing Lab is pretty much fine with it's descriptions. If anybody would like to suggest better titles and descriptions for the AI Core and Chemical workshop, I'd be delighted to see them. Item mass is already taken into account in the recipe. In terms of complexity, I'd do it based on the modules in the part: For example, if a part contains an engine module, that would be an additional level of complexity I'm approaching the complexity this way: All parts will have a base complexity of 1. All complexity values in the recipe(s) for a part is added to the base complexity The final complexity value will be multiplied against the time needed to build to arrive at a final time-to-build. For example: The Octagonal Cubic Strut has a complexity of 1, so there would be no effect. An engine without a generator will have a complexity of 4, so the time to build an engine is increased by a factor of 4. An engine WITH a generator will end up with a complexity of 6, so the time to build this engine is increased by a factor of 6 I'm not sure about recycle time yet. The complexity is what's required to build a complex object, but recycling doesn't need the fine level of detail that building does.
  14. Looking for input on these ideas: Change the output of the Chemical workshop back in MaterialKits Move the Chemical workshop higher in the tech tree Add a complexity value to certain types of part; engines, science instruments, radios, etc. The idea being that the more complex an item is, the longer it will take to print. The use of this would be controlled by a settings option. Increase the base time to print everything. For example, a simple cubic octagonal strut takes less than 1 second to print, this seems way too fast. Increase the base recycle time
  15. KIS has been fixed, I’ll get a new beta out this evening with the Kis restriction removed.
  16. I thing you have two mods mixed up. One is Tweakable Everything, and the other is Tweakscale; what you want is Tweakscale. It is possible, I’m sure, but since I am not a fan of Tweakscale, I probably won’t do it.
  17. Did you try clicking on the little down arrow at the top, just to the right of the little status bar at the top left?
  18. It’s always easier to debug a problem when it can be reproduced, otherwise there is no easy way to know if it’s been fixed. In this case I was able to see enough to figure out what was going on.
  19. New release, In RadialCrossFeedControl, added code to check for ModuleToggleCrossfeed, if it doesn't exist, then don't execute. This needed because at least one if not more pods in the KSP Expansion has a MOduleAnchoredDecoupler without the ModuleToggleCrossfeed
  20. I could, but that could cause major problems when you start to stack tanks. Looking into this, but next time, please provide as simple an example as possible. The time it takes to find and install all mods necessary for that craft is not insignificant. At least a list of all the mods that the craft requires would be helpful. For example, it appears that the fins on the craft are from KRE, and have nothing to do with the issue. So removing them would have saved me some time. Essentially, strip the craft down to as minimal parts as possible before sending in a bug report (this applies to any modder, not just myself). I have spent about 1/2 hour just tracking down mods, and it still says there are lots more. I'll look at the code, but I can't install 100 mods just to track down a single bug
  21. New release, Added code to remove any users in chat which have the same name as a kerbal Added toggle for the skin Added 5 minute pause instead of deactivation, if 5 failures in a row
  22. First, make sure you have the correct dependencies installed: New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController Let us know if you still have issues
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