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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. It would be very interesting to compare State Funding to Monthly Budgets, side by side. They both look good, and solve similar issues
  2. Can this be installed but disabled? I'd like to compare this to another mod, State Funding, and would rather have a single install with different saves.
  3. I'd appreciate some people trying out the following release candidate: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lk1tcqdwkdvfrkd/StateFunding-0.6.0.zip?dl=0 Source is on Github as usual.
  4. Status update: I'm pretty sure I've identified the problem, and it's inherent in the way the mod was written: The Save/Load system in KSP is rather delicate, and is being abused rather badly by this mod. What seems to be happening is that the mod does a save, and then immediately does a load. The problem is that it loads the new file before the old one is done saving. This is why it works better when there are more mods installed, because they are artificially adding a delay between the save and the load. This is going to take a few days to sort out
  5. @Svm420 Please contact me, while it may not be possible, I'd like to hear about the performance issues and maybe improve it.
  6. Yes it does, and that is where Github would come in handy. Lets people work on it and then be able to merge it all back together. I found this (among others) tutorial on github, you might find it handy: http://product.hubspot.com/blog/git-and-github-tutorial-for-beginners
  7. It doesn't belong with KRASH. A long time ago, I made a post looking for a Govfunding mod, was (at the time) pointed to the CIT - govfund mod. That one is long gone, and this looks better. So I'll fork your repo, recompile, make my normal changes to any mod I adopt (logging, putting version info into dll, etc) and release it in a day or so in an official version. In the repo, I see you have quite a number of branches. I assume the master branch is current? Is there anything in those other branches that may be something under development? thanks
  8. I raised an issue on Github about the .version file only going to 1.2.1
  9. So, depending on how I count, the number of mods I support is about equal to my age today, when as of a few hours ago, is now 60
  10. I'm working on updating FMRS to 1.2.2, and am running into a stone wall. In the code, there is a call to load a save and go to a specific vessel, the call is: FlightDriver.StartAndFocusVessel(loadgame, load_vessel); On a minimal game, where there are no other mods installed (MM & the KSPDev logging mod being also isntalled), I am getting a consistent crash whenever a call is made to the function. since it's a crash, I can't see where it's crashing, am hoping someone can give me a clue. The only thing I have been able to come up with is that it wasn't crashing when I had a lot of mods installed, so I'm wondering if there is some sort of timing issue going on. Here are the crash logs from the latest crash. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7coo1i6wcx0ek2x/FMRS_Crash.zip?dl=0 Edit: installing a single mod, Janitor's Closet, made it much more stable. But JC doesn't do anything other than working with the toolbar
  11. Interesting, but...... I can reliably reproduce the crash. It seems to be a a timing issue, the more mods I have installed, the more stable it is. The crash occurs when it's the only installed mod I also know which line it is, but that doesn't seem to help me, everything looks good so far, I haven't yet figured out what's missing I'll do what I can, but this may take a while For anyone interested, the line is: FlightDriver.StartAndFocusVessel(loadgame, load_vessel);
  12. Interesting. I did a clean install, and now I'm getting it to crash. Can you do one more test? I noticed that you put some Kerbals into the crew cabin, try the launch without doing that at all, just the one kerbal in the command pod
  13. What is your desktop size? I'm trying to verify what I'm reading in the log file. Also, can you please try to duplicate this with a minimal install? Just KSP, FMRS, and ModuleManager I'm seeing some indications in the log file that you have one or more older mods installed, would like to eliminate the possibility of a mod conflict. Specifically, there are some references to KSPUtil, which shouldn't be there in a clean 1.2.2 install. One think I noticed is that on my test, I have a slightly later version of thee KSPSteamCtrlr than you do.
  14. Without seeing the vessels, I can't say, but you may have a bad craft file. Zip them up and send to me, I'll take a look
  15. I have, never got a response, just tried again, will see what happens
  16. Delete half the mods. If it works, you know the conflict is in one of the deleted mods. Do this in a copy of your game
  17. I hate to ask you, but you need to narrow it down, you have a lot of mods installed.
  18. You are getting a nullref for some reason. What are you doing? What button are you trying to click on? Apparently there is a null for a value called "initialName" which is causing the problem.
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